Part 212 - Public Information  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 212.1 - Purpose and scope.
§ 212.2 - Policy.
§ 212.3 - Records available on the Agency's website.
Subpart B - Proactive Disclosures of Agency Records
§ 212.4 - Materials available for public inspection and in electronic format.
Subpart C - Requirements for Making Requests
§ 212.5 - How to make a request for records.
Subpart D - Responsibility for Responding to Requests
§ 212.6 - Designation of authorized officials.
§ 212.7 - Processing of request.
Subpart E - Timing of Responses to Requests
§ 212.8 - Time limits.
§ 212.41 - Exemptions from publication and disclosure requirements of subparts B, C, and D.
§ 212.42 - Exemption from 5 U.S.C. 552.
Subpart F - Responses to Requests
§ 212.9 - Responsibility for responding to requests.
§ 212.51 - General policy.
Subpart G - Confidential Commercial Information
§ 212.10 - Policy and procedures.
Subpart H - Administrative Appeals
§ 212.11 - Appeal procedures.
§ 212.12 - Mediation and dispute services.
Subpart I - Preservation of Records
§ 212.13 - Policy and procedures.
Subpart J - Fees
§ 212.14 - Fees to be charged - general.
§ 212.15 - Fees to be charged - requester categories.
Subpart K - FOIA Definitions
§ 212.16 - Glossary.
Subpart L - Other Rights and Services
§ 212.17 - Rights and services qualified by the FOIA statute.
Subpart M - Privacy Act Provisions
§ 212.18 - Purpose and scope.
§ 212.19 - Privacy definitions.
§ 212.20 - Request for access to records.
§ 212.21 - Request to amend or correct records.
§ 212.22 - Request for accounting of record disclosures.
§ 212.23 - Appeals from denials of PA amendment requests.
§ 212.24 - Specific exemptions.
Subpart N - Rulemaking
§ 212.25 - Responsibilities.
Subpart O - Guidance Procedures
§ 212.26 - General.
§ 212.27 - Review and clearance by the Office of Management Policy, Budget, and Performance in the Bureau for Management.
§ 212.28 - Requirements for clearance.
§ 212.29 - Public access to effective guidance documents.
§ 212.30 - Good-faith cost estimates.
§ 212.31 - Approval procedures for guidance documents identified as “significant” or “otherwise of importance to the Agency's interests.”
§ 212.32 - Definitions of “significant guidance document” and guidance documents that are “otherwise of importance to the Agency's interests.”
§ 212.33 - Designation procedures.
§ 212.34 - Notice-and-comment procedures.
§ 212.35 - Petitions for guidance.
§ 212.36 - Rescinded guidance.
§ 212.37 - Exigent circumstances.
§ 212.38 - Reports to Congress and the Government Accountability Office.
§ 212.39 - No judicial review or enforceable rights.
§ 212.40 - Use of guidance documents.