Part 213 - Claims Collection  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 213.1 - Purpose and scope.
§ 213.2 - Definitions.
§ 213.3 - Other remedies.
§ 213.4 - Fraud claims.
§ 213.5 - Subdivision of claims not authorized.
§ 213.6 - Omission not a defense.
Subpart B - Collection Actions
§ 213.7 - Collection - general.
§ 213.8 - Written demand for payment notice.
§ 213.9 - Agency review requirements.
§ 213.10 - Aggressive collection actions; documentation.
§ 213.11 - Interest, penalties, and administrative costs.
§ 213.12 - Interest, penalties, and administrative costs pending consideration of debt waiver or review.
§ 213.13 - Waivers of indebtedness.
§ 213.14 - Contracting for collection services.
§ 213.15 - Use of credit-reporting bureaus.
§ 213.16 - Use and disclosure of mailing addresses.
§ 213.17 - Liquidation of collateral.
§ 213.18 - Suspension or revocation of eligibility for loans and loan guarantees, licenses or privileges.
§ 213.19 - Installment payments.
§ 213.251 - Cross-reference.
§ 213.252 - Definitions.
§ 213.253 - Premiums upon initial endorsement.
§ 213.254 - Premiums where first principal payment more than one year after initial endorsement.
§ 213.255 - Premiums where first principal payment one year or less after initial endorsement.
§ 213.256 - Premiums; insurance upon completion.
§ 213.257 - Premiums; purchasing cooperatives; Existing Construction; supplementary loans to purchase existing community facility.
§ 213.258 - Subsequent annual premiums.
§ 213.259 - Computation of subsequent annual premiums.
§ 213.260 - Allowable methods of premium payment.
§ 213.265 - Modifications and consolidations.
§ 213.266 - Initial insurance endorsement.
§ 213.267 - Effect of insurance endorsement.
§ 213.268 - Final insurance endorsement.
§ 213.269 - Endorsement of supplementary loans.
§ 213.270 - Supplementary loans; election of action; claims; debentures.
§ 213.275 - Nature of the Cooperative Management Housing Insurance Fund.
§ 213.276 - Allocation of Cooperative Management Housing Insurance Fund income or losses.
§ 213.277 - Right and liability under the Cooperative Management Housing Insurance Fund.
§ 213.278 - Distribution of distributive share.
§ 213.279 - Maximum amount of distributive share.
§ 213.280 - Finality of determination.
§ 213.266a - Insurance fund obligations.
§ 213.259a - Premiums — mortgages insured pursuant to section 238(c) of the Act.
Subpart C - Administrative and Salary Offset
§ 213.20 - Administrative offset of non-employee debts.
§ 213.21 - Employee salary offset - general.
§ 213.22 - Salary offset when USAID is the creditor agency.
§ 213.23 - Salary offset when USAID is not the creditor agency.
§ 213.501 - Savings clause.
Subpart D - Compromise of Claims
§ 213.24 - General.
§ 213.25 - Standards for the compromise of claims.
§ 213.26 - Payment of compromised claims.
§ 213.27 - Joint and several liability.
§ 213.28 - Execution of releases.
Subpart E - Suspension or Termination of Collection Action
§ 213.29 - Suspension - general.
§ 213.30 - Standards for suspension of collection action.
§ 213.31 - Termination - general.
§ 213.32 - Standards for termination of collection action.
§ 213.33 - Permitted actions after termination of collection activity.
§ 213.34 - Debts discharged in bankruptcy.
Subpart F - Discharge of Indebtedness and Reporting Requirements
§ 213.35 - Discharging indebtedness - general.
§ 213.36 - Reporting to Department of the Treasury's Internal Revenue Service.
Subpart G - Referrals to the U.S. Department of Justice
§ 213.37 - Referrals to the U.S. Department of Justice.
Subpart H - Mandatory Transfer of Delinquent Debt to U.S. Department of the Treasury
§ 213.38 - Mandatory transfer of debts to Department of the Treasury's Bureau of the Fiscal Service - general.
§ 213.39 - Exceptions to mandatory transfer.