Part 706 - Information Disclosure Under the Freedom of Information Act  

Subpart A - General
§ 706.1 - Description.
§ 706.2 - Policy.
§ 706.3 - Scope.
§ 706.4 - Preservation and transfer of records.
§ 706.5 - Other rights and services.
§ 706.12 - Definitions.
§ 706.13 - Definitions.
Subpart B - Obtaining DFC Records
§ 706.10 - Publicly available records.
§ 706.11 - Requesting non-public records.
§ 706.25 - Extension of time.
§ 706.26 - Fees.
§ 706.27 - Administrative appeal of refusal to disclose.
Subpart C - Fees for Requests of Non-Public Records.
§ 706.20 - In general.
§ 706.21 - Types of fees.
§ 706.22 - Request categories.
§ 706.23 - Fees charged.
§ 706.24 - Requirements for waiver or reduction of fees.
§ 706.35 - When will OPIC reduce or waive fees?
§ 706.36 - How may I appeal a partial or total denial of records?
Subpart D - Processing of Requests for Non-Public Records
§ 706.30 - Responsibility for responding to requests.
§ 706.31 - Timing of responses to requests.
§ 706.32 - Responses to requests.
§ 706.33 - Confidential commercial information.
§ 706.34 - Administrative appeals.
§ 706.41 - How should business submitters designate business information in materials submitted to OPIC?
§ 706.42 - When will OPIC notify business submitters of a pending FOIA request?
§ 706.43 - Who will OPIC notify if a FOIA lawsuit is filed?
§ 706.44 - What happens to business information contained in OPIC records transferred to the National Archives of the United States?