§ 1710.503 - Notice of certification.  

Latest version.
  • (a) If the Secretary determines that a state qualifies for certification under §1710.501(a) or §1710.501(b), the Secretary shall so notify the state in writing. The state will be effectively certified under the section and as of the date specified in the notice.

    (b) If the Secretary determines that a state does not meet the standards for certification, the Secretary shall so notify the state in writing. The notice will specify particular changes in state law, regulations or administration that are needed to obtain certification. The Secretary shall not be bound in advance to certify a state that makes the suggested changes if other deficiencies become apparent at a later time.

    (c) The Secretary's final determination to accept or reject a State's Application for Certification of Land Sales Program shall be published in the Federal Register.

    (d) A state's certification will remain in effect until it is voluntarily suspended by the state or withdrawn by the Secretary. A state can voluntarily suspend its certification by notifying the Secretary in writing. The suspension will take effect as of the date and time specified in the notice to the Secretary, or upon receipt by the Secretary if no date is specified. The Secretary may withdraw certification as provided in §1710.505.