§ 35.1350 - Safe work practices.  

Latest version.
  • § 35.1350 Safe work practices.

    (a) Prohibited methods. Methods of paint removal listed in § 35.140 shall not be used.

    (b) Occupant protection and worksite preparation. Occupants and their belongings shall be protected, and the worksite prepared, in accordance with § 35.1345. A person performing this work shall be trained on hazards and either be supervised or have completed successfully one of the specified courses, in accordance with § 35.1330(a)(4).

    (c) Specialized cleaning. After hazard reduction activities have been completed, the worksite shall be cleaned using cleaning methods, products, and devices that are successful in cleaning up dust-lead hazards, such as a HEPA vacuum or other method of equivalent efficacy, and lead-specific detergents or equivalent.

    (d) De minimis levels. Safe work practices are not required when maintenance or hazard reduction activities do not disturb painted surfaces that total more than:

    (1) 20 square feet (2 square meters) on exterior surfaces;

    (2) 2 square feet (0.2 square meters) in any one interior room or space; or

    (3) 10 percent of the total surface area on an interior or exterior type of component with a small surface area. Examples include window sills, baseboards, and trim.

    [64 FR 50218, Sept. 15, 1999, as amended at 69 FR 34275, June 21, 2004]