§ 902.51 - Updating of public housing unit address information.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Electronic updating. The survey process for the Resident Service and Satisfaction Indicator is dependent upon electronic updating, submission and certification of resident address and unit information by PHAs.

    (b) Unit address update and verification. The survey process for PHAS Indicator #4 begins with ensuring accurate information about the public housing unit addresses.

    (1) PHAs will be required to electronically update unit address information initially obtained by REAC from the recently revised form HUD-50058, Family Report. REAC will supply a list of current units (listed by development) to PHAs via the internet. PHAs will be asked to make additions, deletions and corrections to their unit address list.

    (2) After updating the list, PHAs must verify that the list of unit addresses under their jurisdiction is complete. Any incorrect or obsolete address information will have a detrimental impact on the survey results. A statistically valid number of residents cannot be selected to participate in the survey if the unit addresses are incorrect or obsolete. If a PHA does not verify the address information within two months of submission of the list of current units to the PHA by REAC, and the address information is not valid, REAC will not be able to conduct the survey at that PHA. Under those conditions, the PHA will not receive any points for the PHAS Resident Service and Satisfaction Indicator.

    (c) Electronic updating of the address list. (1) The preferred method for updating a unit address list is electronic updating via the internet.

    (2) If circumstances preclude a PHA from updating and submitting its unit address list electronically, HUD will consider granting short-term approval to allow a PHA to submit the updated unit address list information manually. A PHA that seeks approval to update its unit address list manually must ensure that REAC receives the PHA's written request for manual submission one month before the submission due date. The written request must include the reasons why the PHA cannot update the list electronically. REAC will respond to the PHA's request upon receipt of the request.