Subpart A - Rules and Rulemaking
§ 1720.1 - Scope of rules in this subpart.
§ 1720.5 - Initiation of rulemaking.
§ 1720.10 - Investigations and conferences.
§ 1720.15 - Notice.
§ 1720.20 - Promulgation of rules and regulations.
§ 1720.25 - Effective date of rules and regulations.
Subpart B - Filing Assistance
§ 1720.30 - Scope of this subpart.
§ 1720.35 - Prefiling assistance.
§ 1720.40 - Processing of filings.
Subpart D - Adjudicatory Proceedings
§ 1720.240 - Time for filing answer.
§ 1720.245 - Content of answer.
§ 1720.250 - Presumption of hearing request.
§ 1720.255 - Amendments and supplemental pleadings.
§ 1720.260 - Prehearing conferences.
§ 1720.265 - Reporting—prehearing conferences.
§ 1720.305 - Motions—filing requirements.
§ 1720.310 - Answers to motions.
§ 1720.315 - Motion for more definite statement.
§ 1720.320 - Motions for extension of time.
§ 1720.325 - Motions for dismissal.
§ 1720.330 - Motions to limit or quash.
§ 1720.335 - Consolidation.
General Provisions
§ 1720.105 - Scope of rules in this subpart.
§ 1720.110 - Applicability of sections of this subpart.
§ 1720.115 - Department representative.
§ 1720.120 - Qualification for appearances.
§ 1720.125 - Public nature and timing of hearings.
§ 1720.130 - Restrictions on appearances as to former officers and employees.
§ 1720.135 - Standards of practice.
§ 1720.140 - Administrative law judge, powers and duties.
§ 1720.145 - Disqualification of administrative law judge.
§ 1720.150 - Failure to comply with administrative law judge's directions.
§ 1720.155 - Ex parte communications.
§ 1720.160 - Form and filing requirements.
§ 1720.165 - Time computation.
§ 1720.170 - Service.
§ 1720.175 - Intervention by interested persons.
§ 1720.180 - Settlements.
§ 1720.505 - Interlocutory review of administrative law judge's decision.
§ 1720.510 - Reporting and transcription.
§ 1720.515 - Corrections.
§ 1720.520 - Proposed findings, conclusions, and order.
§ 1720.525 - Decision of administrative law judge.
§ 1720.530 - Decision of administrative law judge—content.
§ 1720.535 - Reopening of proceeding; termination of jurisdiction.
Discovery and Evidence
§ 1720.405 - Depositions and discovery.
§ 1720.410 - Subpoenas ad testifican-dum.
§ 1720.415 - Subpoenas duces tecum.
§ 1720.420 - Rulings on applications for compulsory process; appeals.
§ 1720.425 - Presentation and admission of evidence.
§ 1720.430 - Production of witnesses' statements.
§ 1720.435 - Official notice.
§ 1720.205 - Suspension notice under  1710.45(a) of this chapter.
§ 1720.210 - Hearings—suspension notice pursuant to  1710.45(a) of this chapter.
§ 1720.215 - Notice of proceedings pursuant to  1710.45(b)(1) of this chapter.
§ 1720.220 - Hearings—notice of proceedings pursuant to  1710.45(b)(1) of this chapter.
§ 1720.225 - Suspension order under  1710.45(b)(2) of this chapter.
§ 1720.230 - Suspension order under  1710.45(b)(3) of this chapter.
§ 1720.235 - Hearings—suspension orders issued pursuant to  1710.45(b)(2) and  1710.45(b)(3) of this chapter.
§ 1720.236 - Notice of proceedings to withdraw a State's certification pursuant to  1710.505 of this chapter.
§ 1720.237 - Hearings—notice of proceedings pursuant to  1710.505 of this chapter.
§ 1720.238 - Notices of proceedings to terminate exemptions pursuant to  1710.14, 1710.15 and 1710.16 of this chapter.
§ 1720.239 - Hearings—notice of proceedings pursuant to  1710.14, 1710.15 and 1710.16 of this chapter.
§ 1720.605 - Appeal from decision of administrative law judge.
§ 1720.610 - Answering brief.
§ 1720.615 - Reply brief.
§ 1720.620 - Length and form of briefs.
§ 1720.625 - Oral argument.
§ 1720.630 - Decision on appeal or review.
§ 1720.635 - Appeals officer.