Part 267 - Credit Risk Retention

Subpart A - Authority, Purpose, Scope and Definitions
§ 267.1 - Credit risk retention exceptions and exemptions for HUD programs.
§ 267.2 - Definitions.
Subpart B - Credit Risk Retention
§ 267.3 - Base risk retention requirement.
§ 267.4 - Standard risk retention.
§ 267.5 - Revolving pool securitizations.
§ 267.6 - Eligible ABCP conduits.
§ 267.7 - Commercial mortgage-backed securities.
§ 267.8 - Federal National Mortgage Association and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation ABS.
§ 267.9 - Open market CLOs.
§ 267.10 - Qualified tender option bonds.
Subpart C - Transfer of Risk Retention
§ 267.11 - Allocation of risk retention to an originator.
§ 267.12 - Hedging, transfer and financing prohibitions.
Subpart D - Exceptions and Exemptions
§ 267.13 - Exemption for qualified residential mortgages.
§ 267.14 - Definitions applicable to qualifying commercial loans, qualifying commercial real estate loans, and qualifying automobile loans.
§ 267.15 - Qualifying commercial loans, commercial real estate loans, and automobile loans.
§ 267.16 - Underwriting standards for qualifying commercial loans.
§ 267.17 - Underwriting standards for qualifying CRE loans.
§ 267.18 - Underwriting standards for qualifying automobile loans.
§ 267.19 - General exemptions.
§ 267.20 - Safe harbor for certain foreign-related transactions.
§ 267.21 - Additional exemptions.
§ 267.22 - Periodic review of the QRM definition, exempted three-to-four unit residential mortgage loans, and community-focused residential mortgage exemption