Part 55 - Floodplain Management and Protection of Wetlands  

Subpart A - General
§ 55.1 - Purpose.
§ 55.2 - Terminology.
§ 55.3 - Assignment of responsibilities.
§ 55.4 - Notification of floodplain hazard.
§ 55.5 - Flood insurance.
§ 55.6 - Complying with this part.
Subpart B - Application of Executive Orders on Floodplain Management and Protection of Wetlands
§ 55.7 - Identifying the FFRMS floodplain.
§ 55.8 - Limitations on HUD assistance in floodplains.
§ 55.9 - Identifying wetlands.
§ 55.10 - Limitations on HUD assistance in wetlands.
§ 55.11 - [Reserved]
§ 55.12 - Inapplicability of 24 CFR part 55 to certain categories of proposed actions.
§ 55.13 - Inapplicability of 8-step decision making process to certain categories of proposed actions.
§ 55.14 - Modified 5-step decision making process for certain categories of proposed actions.
Subpart C - Procedures for Making Determinations on Floodplain Management and Protection of Wetlands
§ 55.16 - Applicability of subpart C decision making process.
§ 55.20 - Decision making process.
§ 55.21 - Alternate processing for existing nonconforming sites.
§ 55.22 - Conveyance restrictions for the disposition of multifamily real property.
§ 55.23 - [Reserved]
§ 55.24 - Aggregation.
§ 55.25 - Areawide compliance.
§ 55.26 - Adoption of another agency's review under the executive orders.
§ 55.27 - Documentation.
§ 55.28 - Use of individual permits under section 404 of the Clean Water Act for HUD Executive Order 11990 processing where all wetlands are covered by the permit.
§§ 55.22--55.25 - [Reserved]
§§ 55.27--55.28 - [Reserved]
Subpart D - Severability
§ 55.30 - Severability.