Part 236 - Mortgage Insurance and Interest Reduction Payment for Rental Projects  

Subpart A - Eligibility Requirements for Mortgage Insurance
§ 236.1 - Applicability, cross-reference, and savings clause.
§ 236.2 - Increased distributions to certain limited distribution mortgagors.
§ 236.3 - Annual income exclusions.
§ 236.60 - Excess income.
Subpart B - Contract Rights and Obligations for Mortgage Insurance
§ 236.251 - Cross-reference.
§ 236.252 - First, second, and third mortgage insurance premiums.
§ 236.253 - Premiums—operating loss loans.
§ 236.254 - Termination of mortgage insurance.
§ 236.255 - Forbearance relief.
§ 236.260 - Request by Commissioner for assignment of mortgage.
§ 236.265 - Payment of insurance benefits.
Subpart C - Interest Reduction Payments
§ 236.501 - Interest reduction payments contract.
§ 236.505 - Eligible mortgages.
§ 236.510 - Term of payments.
§ 236.515 - Time of payments.
§ 236.520 - Amount of payments.
§ 236.525 - Application of payments.
§ 236.530 - Mortgagee records.
§ 236.535 - Effect of assignment of mortgage.
§ 236.599 - Effect of amendments.
Subpart D - Rental Assistance Payments
§ 236.701 - Scope of rental assistance.
§ 236.705 - Projects eligible for benefits.
§ 236.710 - Qualified tenant.
§ 236.715 - Determination of eligibility.
§ 236.720 - Provisions applicable to cooperative members.
§ 236.725 - Term of contract.
§ 236.730 - Maximum annual rental assistance contract amount.
§ 236.735 - Rental assistance payments and rental charges.
§ 236.740 - Time of payment under contract.
§ 236.745 - Tenant occupancy limitations.
§ 236.750 - Form of lease.
§ 236.755 - Housing owner's obligation under contract to report tenant income increase.
§ 236.760 - Change in tenant income status.
§ 236.765 - Determination of eligible immigration status of applicants and tenants; protection from liability.
Subpart E - Audits
§ 236.901 - Audit.
Subpart F - Uniform Relocation Assistance
§ 236.1001 - Displacement, relocation, and acquisition.