Part 266 - Housing Finance Agency Risk-Sharing Program for Insured Affordable Multifamily Project Loans  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 266.1 - Purpose and scope.
§ 266.5 - Definitions.
§ 266.10 - Allocations of assistance and credit subsidy.
§ 266.15 - Risk-Sharing Agreement.
§ 266.20 - Effect of amendments.
§ 266.25 - Limitation on HUD insurance liability.
§ 266.30 - Nonapplicability of 24 CFR part 246.
Subpart B - Housing Finance Agency Requirements
§ 266.100 - Qualified housing finance agency (HFA).
§ 266.105 - Application requirements.
§ 266.110 - Reserve requirements.
§ 266.115 - Program monitoring and evaluation.
§ 266.120 - Actions for which sanctions may be imposed.
§ 266.125 - Scope and nature of sanctions.
§ 266.130 - Reinsurance.
Subpart C - Program Requirements
§ 266.200 - Eligible projects.
§ 266.205 - Ineligible projects.
§ 266.210 - HUD-retained review functions.
§ 266.215 - Functions delegated by HUD to HFAs.
§ 266.217 - xxx
§ 266.220 - Nondiscrimination in housing and employment.
§ 266.225 - Labor standards.
Subpart D - Processing, Development, and Approval
§ 266.300 - HFAs accepting 50 percent or more of risk.
§ 266.305 - HFAs accepting less than 50 percent of risk.
§ 266.310 - Insurance of advances or insurance upon completion; applicability of requirements.
§ 266.315 - Recordkeeping requirements.
Subpart E - Mortgage and Closing Requirements; HUD Endorsement
§ 266.400 - Property requirements - real estate.
§ 266.402 - Recordation.
§ 266.405 - Title.
§ 266.410 - Mortgage provisions.
§ 266.415 - Mortgage lien and other obligations.
§ 266.417 - Authority to adjust mortgage insurance amount.
§ 266.420 - Closing and endorsement by the Commissioner.
Subpart F - Project Management and Servicing
§ 266.500 - General.
§ 266.505 - Regulatory agreement requirements.
§ 266.507 - Maintenance requirements.
§ 266.510 - HFA responsibilities.
§ 266.515 - Record retention.
§ 266.520 - Program monitoring and compliance.
Subpart G - Contract Rights and Obligations
Insurance Endorsement
§ 266.612 - Insurance endorsement.
§ 266.616 - Transfer of partial interest under participation agreement.
Claim Procedures
§ 266.626 - Notice of default and filing an insurance claim.
§ 266.628 - Initial claim payments.
§ 266.630 - Partial payment of claims.
§ 266.632 - Withdrawal of claim.
§ 266.634 - Reinstatement of the contract of insurance.
§ 266.636 - Insuring new loans for defaulted projects.
§ 266.638 - Issuance of HFA Debenture.
§ 266.640 - Foreclosure and acquisition.
§ 266.642 - Appraisals.
§ 266.644 - Application for final claim settlement.
§ 266.646 - Determining the amount of loss.
§ 266.648 - Items included in total loss.
§ 266.650 - Items deducted from total loss.
§ 266.652 - Determining share of loss.
§ 266.654 - Final claim settlement and HFA Debenture redemption.
§ 266.656 - Recovery of costs after final claim settlement.
§ 266.658 - Program monitoring and compliance.
Mortgage Insurance Premiums
§ 266.600 - Mortgage insurance premium: Insurance upon completion.
§ 266.602 - Mortgage insurance premium: Insured advances.
§ 266.604 - Mortgage insurance premium: Other requirements.
§ 266.606 - Mortgage insurance premium: Duration and method of paying.
§ 266.608 - Mortgage insurance premium: Pro rata refund.
§ 266.610 - Method of payment of mortgage insurance premiums.
§ 266.620 - Termination of contract of insurance and indemnification.
§ 266.622 - Notice and date of termination by the Commissioner.