Part 5 - General HUD Program Requirements; Waivers  

Subpart A - Generally Applicable Definitions and Requirements; Waivers
§ 5.100 - Definitions.
§ 5.105 - Other Federal requirements.
§ 5.106 - Equal access in accordance with the individual's gender identity in community planning and development programs.
§ 5.107 - Audit requirements for non-profit organizations.
§ 5.109 - Equal participation of faith-based organizations in HUD programs and activities.
§ 5.110 - Waivers.
§ 5.111 - Housing counseling.
Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing
§ 5.150 - Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing: Purpose.
§ 5.151 - Affirmatively Further Fair Housing: Definitions.
§ 5.152 - AFFH certification and administration.
§ 5.154 - Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH).
§ 5.156 - Joint and Regional AFHs.
§ 5.158 - Community participation, consultation, and coordination.
§ 5.160 - Submission requirements.
§ 5.162 - Review of AFH.
§ 5.164 - Revising an accepted AFH.
§ 5.166 - AFFH certification.
§ 5.168 - Recordkeeping.
§§ 5.152--5.180 - [Reserved]
§§ 5.153--5.180 - [Reserved]
§§ 5.167--5.180 - [Reserved]
Appendix A to Subpart A of Part 5 - —Notice of Funding Opportunity
Appendix B to Subpart A of Part 5 - —Notice of Award or Contract
Appendix C to Subpart A of Part 5 - —Department of Housing and Urban Development Model Written Notice of Beneficiary Rights
Subpart B - Disclosure and Verification of Social Security Numbers and Employer Identification Numbers; Procedures for Obtaining Income Information
§ 5.210 - Purpose, applicability, and Federal preemption.
§ 5.212 - Compliance with the Privacy Act and other requirements.
§ 5.214 - Definitions.
Procedures for Obtaining Income Information About Applicants and Participants
§ 5.230 - Consent by assistance applicants and participants.
§ 5.232 - Penalties for failing to sign consent forms.
§ 5.233 - Mandated use of HUD's Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) System.
§ 5.234 - Requests for information from SWICAs and Federal agencies; restrictions on use.
§ 5.236 - Procedures for termination, denial, suspension, or reduction of assistance based on information obtained from a SWICA or Federal agency.
§ 5.238 - Criminal and civil penalties.
§ 5.240 - Family disclosure of income information to the responsible entity and verification.
Disclosure and Verification of Social Security Numbers and Employer Identification Numbers for Applicants and Participants in Certain HUD Programs
§ 5.216 - Disclosure and verification of Social Security and Employer Identification Numbers.
§ 5.218 - Penalties for failing to disclose and verify Social Security and Employer Identification Numbers.
Subpart C - Pet Ownership for the Elderly or Persons With Disabilities
Pet Ownership Requirements for Housing Programs
§ 5.350 - Mandatory pet rules for housing programs.
§ 5.353 - Housing programs: Procedure for development of pet rules.
§ 5.356 - Housing programs: Pet rule violation procedures.
§ 5.359 - Housing programs: Rejection of units by applicants for tenancy.
§ 5.360 - Housing programs: Additional lease provisions.
§ 5.363 - Housing programs: Protection of the pet.
Pet Ownership Requirements for Public Housing Programs
§ 5.380 - Public housing programs: Procedure for development of pet rules.
General Requirements
§ 5.300 - Purpose.
§ 5.303 - Exclusion for animals that assist, support, or provide service to persons with disabilities.
§ 5.306 - Definitions.
§ 5.309 - Prohibition against discrimination.
§ 5.312 - Notice to tenants.
§ 5.315 - Content of pet rules: General requirements.
§ 5.318 - Discretionary pet rules.
§ 5.321 - Lease provisions.
§ 5.324 - Implementation of lease provisions.
§ 5.327 - Nuisance or threat to health or safety.
Subpart D - Definitions for Section 8 and Public Housing Assistance Under the United States Housing Act of 1937
§ 5.400 - Applicability.
§ 5.403 - Definitions.
Subpart E - Restrictions on Assistance to Noncitizens
§ 5.500 - Applicability.
§ 5.502 - Requirements concerning documents.
§ 5.504 - Definitions.
§ 5.506 - General provisions.
§ 5.508 - Submission of evidence of citizenship or eligible immigration status.
§ 5.510 - Documents of eligible immigration status.
§ 5.512 - Verification of eligible immigration status.
§ 5.514 - Delay, denial, reduction or termination of assistance.
§ 5.516 - Availability of preservation assistance to mixed families and other families.
§ 5.518 - Types of preservation assistance available to mixed families and other families.
§ 5.520 - Proration of assistance.
§ 5.522 - Prohibition of assistance to noncitizen students.
§ 5.524 - Compliance with nondiscrimination requirements.
§ 5.526 - Protection from liability for responsible entities and State and local government agencies and officials.
§ 5.528 - Liability of ineligible tenants for reimbursement of benefits.
Subpart F - Section 8 and Public Housing, and Other HUD Assisted Housing Serving Persons with Disabilities: Family Income and Family Payment; Occupancy Requirements for Section 8 Project-Based Assistance
§ 5.601 - Purpose and applicability.
§ 5.603 - Definitions.
Family Income
§ 5.609 - Annual income.
§ 5.611 - Adjusted income.
§ 5.612 - Restrictions on assistance to students enrolled in an institution of higher education.
§ 5.613 - Public housing program and Section 8 tenant-based assistance program: PHA cooperation with welfare agency.
§ 5.615 - Public housing program and Section 8 tenant-based assistance program: How welfare benefit reduction affects family income.
§ 5.617 - Self-sufficiency incentives for persons with disabilities—Disallowance of increase in annual income.
§ 571.618 - xxx
§ 5.618 - Restriction on assistance to families based on assets.
Family Payment
§ 5.628 - Total tenant payment.
§ 5.630 - Minimum rent.
§ 5.632 - Utility reimbursements.
§ 5.634 - Tenant rent.
§ 8 Project-Based Assistance: Occupancy Requirements
Section 8 Project-Based Assistance: Occupancy Requirements
§ 5.653 - Section 8 project-based assistance programs: Admission—Income-eligibility and income-targeting.
§ 5.655 - Section 8 project-based assistance programs: Owner preferences in selection for a project or unit.
§ 5.657 - Section 8 project-based assistance programs: Reexamination of family income and composition.
§ 5.659 - Family information and verification.
§ 5.661 - Section 8 project-based assistance programs: Approval for police or other security personnel to live in project.
Subpart G - Physical Inspection of Real Estate
§ 5.701 - Applicability.
§ 5.703 - National standards for the condition of HUD housing.
§ 5.705 - Inspection requirements.
§ 5.707 - Uniform self-inspection requirement and report.
§ 5.709 - Administrative process for defining and revising inspection criteria.
§ 5.711 - Scoring, ranking criteria, and appeals.
§ 5.713 - Second- and third-party rights.
Subpart H - Uniform Financial Reporting Standards
§ 5.801 - Uniform financial reporting standards.
Subpart I - Preventing Crime in Federally Assisted Housing—Denying Admission and Terminating Tenancy for Criminal Activity or Alcohol Abuse
Denying Admissions
§ 5.854 - When must I prohibit admission of individuals who have engaged in drug-related criminal activity?
§ 5.855 - When am I specifically authorized to prohibit admission of individuals who have engaged in criminal activity?
§ 5.856 - When must I prohibit admission of sex offenders?
§ 5.857 - When must I prohibit admission of alcohol abusers?
Terminating Tenancy
§ 5.858 - What authority do I have to evict drug criminals?
§ 5.859 - When am I specifically authorized to evict other criminals?
§ 5.860 - When am I specifically authorized to evict alcohol abusers?
§ 5.861 - What evidence of criminal activity must I have to evict?
§ 5.850 - Which subsidized housing is covered by this subpart?
§ 5.851 - What authority do I have to screen applicants and to evict tenants?
§ 5.852 - What discretion do I have in screening and eviction actions?
§ 5.853 - Definitions.
Subpart J - Access to Criminal Records and Information
§ 5.901 - To what criminal records and searches does this subpart apply?
§ 5.902 - Definitions.
§ 5.903 - What special authority is there to obtain access to criminal records?
§ 5.905 - What special authority is there to obtain access to sex offender registration information?
Subpart K - Application, Registration, and Submission Requirements
§ 5.1001 - Applicability.
§ 5.1003 - Use of a universal identifier for organizations applying for HUD grants.
§ 5.1004 - System of award management.
§ 5.1005 - Electronic submission of applications for grants and other financial assistance.
Subpart L - Protection for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking
§ 5.2001 - Applicability.
§ 5.2003 - Definitions.
§ 5.2005 - VAWA protections.
§ 5.2007 - Documenting the occurrence of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
§ 5.2009 - Remedies available to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
§ 5.2011 - Effect on other laws.