Part 903 - Public Housing Agency Plans  

Subpart A - Deconcentration of Poverty
§ 903.1 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 903.2 - With respect to admissions, what must a PHA do to deconcentrate poverty in its developments?
Subpart B - PHA Plans and Fair Housing Requirements
§ 903.3 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 903.4 - What are the public housing agency plans?
§ 903.5 - When must a PHA submit the plans to HUD?
§ 903.6 - What information must a PHA provide in the 5-Year Plan?
§ 903.7 - What information must a PHA provide in the Annual Plan?
§ 903.9 - May HUD request additional information in the Annual Plan of a troubled PHA?
§ 903.11 - Are certain PHAs eligible to submit a streamlined Annual Plan?
§ 903.12 - What are the streamlined Annual Plan requirements for small PHAs?
§ 903.13 - What is a Resident Advisory Board and what is its role in development of the Annual Plan?
§ 903.15 - What is the relationship of the public housing agency plans to the Consolidated Plan and a PHA's Fair Housing Requirements?
§ 903.17 - What is the process for obtaining public comment on the plans?
§ 903.19 - When is the 5-Year Plan or Annual Plan ready for submission to HUD?
§ 903.21 - May the PHA amend or modify a plan?
§ 903.23 - What is the process by which HUD reviews, approves, or disapproves an Annual Plan?
§ 903.25 - How does HUD ensure PHA compliance with its plan?