Subpart A - General
§ 941.101 - Purpose and scope.
§ 941.102 - Development methods and funding.
§ 941.103 - Definitions.
Subpart B - PHA Eligibility and Program Requirements
§ 941.201 - PHA eligibility.
§ 941.202 - Site and neighborhood standards.
§ 941.203 - Design and construction standards.
§ 941.205 - PHA contracts.
§ 941.207 - Displacement, relocation, and acquisition.
§ 941.208 - Other Federal requirements.
§ 941.209 - Audit.
Subpart C - Application and Proposal
§ 941.301 - Application.
§ 941.302 - Annual contributions contract; drawdowns and advances.
§ 941.303 - Site acquisition proposal.
§ 941.304 - Full proposal content.
§ 941.305 - Technical processing and approval.
§ 941.306 - Maximum project cost.
Subpart D - Project Development
§ 941.401 - Site and property acquisition.
§ 941.402 - Project design and construction.
§ 941.403 - Acceptance of work and contract settlement.
§ 941.404 - Completion of development.
Subpart E - Performance Review
§ 941.501 - HUD review of PHA performance; sanctions.
Subpart F - Public/Private Partnerships for the Mixed Finance Development of Public Housing Units
§ 941.600 - Purpose.
§ 941.602 - Applicability of other requirements.
§ 941.604 - Definitions.
§ 941.606 - Proposal.
§ 941.608 - Technical processing and approval.
§ 941.610 - Evidentiary materials and other documents.
§ 941.612 - Disbursement of grant funds.
§ 941.614 - HUD monitoring and review.
§ 941.616 - Sanctions.