§ 24.4 - Assurances, monitoring, and corrective action.  

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  • § 24.4 Assurances, monitoring, and corrective action.

    (a) Assurances.

    (1) Before a Federal Agency agency may approve any grant to, or contract, or agreement with, a State Agency an agency under which Federal financial assistance will be made available for a project which results in real property acquisition or displacement that is subject to the Uniform Act, the State Agency agency must provide appropriate assurances that it will comply with the Uniform Act and this part. A displacing AgencyAn agency's assurances shall be in accordance with section 210 sections 4630 and 4655 of the Uniform Act. An acquiring AgencyThe agency's assurances shall be in accordance with section 305 of the Uniform Act and section 4655 assurances must contain specific reference to any State law which the Agency agency believes provides an exception to §§ 301 sections 4651 or 302 4652 of the Uniform Act. If, in the judgment of the Federal Agencyagency, Uniform Act compliance will be served, a State Agency an agency may provide these assurances at one time to cover all subsequent federally - assisted programs or projects. An Agencyagency, which both acquires real property and displaces persons, may combine its section 210 and section 305 sections 4630 and 4655 of the Uniform Act assurances in one document.

    (2) If a Federal Agency agency or State Agency recipient provides Federal financial assistance to a “person” person causing displacement, such Federal agency or State Agency recipient is responsible for ensuring compliance with the requirements of this part, notwithstanding the person's contractual obligation to the grantee recipient to comply with the requirements of this part.

    (3) As an alternative to the assurance requirement described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, a Federal Agency agency may provide Federal financial assistance to a State Agency recipient after it has accepted a certification by such State Agency recipient in accordance with the requirements in subpart G of this part.

    (b) Monitoring and corrective action. The Federal Agency agency will monitor compliance with this part, and the State Agency agency shall take whatever corrective action is necessary to comply with the Uniform Act and this part. The Federal Agency agency may also apply sanctions in accordance with applicable program regulations. (Also see § 24.603, of this part).

    (c) Prevention of fraud, waste, and mismanagement. The Agency agency shall take appropriate measures to carry out this part in a manner that minimizes fraud, waste, and mismanagement.