§ 241.25 - Traffic and Capacity Elements

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  • Section 25 Traffic and Capacity Elements

    General Instructions. (a) All prescribed reporting for traffic and capacity elements shall conform with the data compilation standards set forth in section 19 - Uniform Classification of Operating Statistics.

    (b) Carriers submitting Schedule T-100 shall use magnetic computer tape or IBM compatible disk for transmitting the prescribed data to the Department. Upon good cause shown, OAI may approve the request of a U.S. air carrier, under section 1-2 of this part, to use hardcopy data input forms or submit data via e-mail.

    Schedule T-8 - Report of all-cargo operations.

    (a) This schedule shall be filed annually by all air carriers that conduct all-cargo operations under certificates issued under 49 U.S.C. 41103.

    (b) [Reserved]

    (c) Statement of operations. This statement shall include the following elements:

    (1) Total operating revenue, categorized as follows:

    (i) Transport revenues from the carriage of property in scheduled and nonscheduled service;

    (ii) Transport revenues from the carriage of mail in scheduled and nonscheduled service; and

    (iii) Transport-related revenues.

    (2) Total operating expenses; and

    (3) Operating profit or loss, computed by subtracting the total operating expenses from the total operating revenues.

    (d) Summary of traffic and capacity statistics. This summary shall include the following elements:

    (1) Total revenue ton-miles, which are the aircraft miles flown on each flight stage times the number of tons of revenue traffic carried on that stage. They shall be categorized as follows:

    (i) Property; and

    (ii) Mail.

    (2) Revenue tons enplaned, reflecting the total revenue tons of cargo loaded on aircraft during the annual period;

    (3) Available ton-miles, reflecting the total revenue ton-miles available for all-cargo service during the annual period, and computed by multiplying aircraft miles flown on each flight stage by the number of tons of aircraft capacity available for that stage;

    (4) Aircraft miles flown, reflecting the total number of aircraft miles flown in cargo service during the annual period;

    (5) Aircraft departures performed, reflecting the total number of take-offs performed in cargo service during the annual period; and

    (6) Aircraft hours airborne, reflecting the aircraft hours of flight (from take-off to landing) performed in cargo service during the annual period.

    Schedule T-100 U.S. Air Carrier Traffic and Capacity Data By Nonstop Segment and On-Flight Market

    (a) Schedule T-100 collects detailed on-flight market and nonstop segment data on all revenue flights flown by U.S. certificated air carriers. This schedule is filed monthly. Separate data shall be reported for each operating entity (Latin America, Atlantic, Pacific; International, or Domestic) of the air carrier. Data for each operating entity shall be reported using the five digit entity code prescribed under section 19-5(c) of this part.

    (b) Guidelines for reporting the automated monthly Schedule T-100 are included in the Appendix to this section.

    (c) Reported data shall be compiled as aggregates of the basic data elements and service classes contained in sections 19-4 and 19-5 of this part.

    (d) Joint-service operations. The air carrier in operational control of the aircraft (the carrier that uses its flight crews under its own FAA operating authority) must report joint-service operations.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2138-0013)

    [ER-755, 37 FR 19726, Sept. 21, 1972]