§ 3400.1 - Purpose.
§ 3400.3 - Confidentiality of information.
Subpart A - General
§ 3400.20 - Scope of this subpart.
§ 3400.23 - Definitions.
Subpart B - Determination of State Compliance with the SAFE Act
§ 3400.101 - Scope of this subpart.
§ 3400.103 - Individuals required to be licensed by states.
§ 3400.105 - Minimum loan originator license requirements.
§ 3400.107 - Minimum annual license renewal requirements.
§ 3400.109 - Effective date of state requirements imposed on individuals.
§ 3400.111 - Other minimum requirements for state licensing systems.
§ 3400.113 - Performance standards.
§ 3400.115 - Determination of noncompliance.
Subpart C - HUD's Loan Originator Licensing System and Nationwide Mortgage Licensing and Registry System
§ 3400.201 - Scope of this subpart.
§ 3400.203 - HUD's establishment of loan originator licensing system.
§ 3400.205 - HUD's establishment of nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry.
Subpart D - Minimum Requirements for Administration of the NMLSR
§ 3400.301 - Scope of this subpart.
§ 3400.303 - Financial reporting.
§ 3400.305 - Data security.
§ 3400.307 - Fees.
§ 3400.309 - Absence of liability for good-faith administration.
Subpart E - Enforcement of HUD Licensing System
§ 3400.401 - HUD's authority to examine loan originator records.
§ 3400.403 - Enforcement proceedings.
§ 3400.405 - Civil money penalties.
Appendix A to 24 CFR Part 3400
Appendix B to 24 CFR Part 3400
Appendix C to 24 CFR Part 3400
Appendix D to 24 CFR Part 3400