Part 292 - Gaming on Trust Lands Acquired After October 17, 1988  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 292.1 - What is the purpose of this part?
§ 292.2 - How are key terms defined in this part?
Subpart B - Exceptions to Prohibitions on Gaming on Newly Acquired Lands
§ 292.3 - How does a tribe seek an opinion on whether its newly acquired lands meet, or will meet, one of the exceptions in this subpart?
§ 292.4 - What criteria must newly acquired lands meet under the exceptions regarding tribes with and without a reservation?
Restored Lands” Exception
Initial Reservation” Exception
“Settlement of a Land Claim” Exception
§ 292.5 - When can gaming occur on newly acquired lands under a settlement of a land claim?
Settlement of a Land Claim” Exception
“Restored Lands” Exception
§ 292.7 - What must be demonstrated to meet the “restored lands” exception?
§ 292.8 - How does a tribe qualify as having been federally recognized?
§ 292.9 - How does a tribe show that it lost its government-to-government relationship?
§ 292.10 - How does a tribe qualify as having been restored to Federal recognition?
§ 292.11 - What are “restored lands”?
§ 292.12 - How does a tribe establish connections to newly acquired lands for the purposes of the “restored lands” exception?
“Initial Reservation” Exception
§ 292.6 - What must be demonstrated to meet the “initial reservation” exception?
Subpart C - Secretarial Determination and Governor's Concurrence
§ 292.13 - When can a tribe conduct gaming activities on newly acquired lands that do not qualify under one of the exceptions in subpart B of this part?
§ 292.14 - Where must a tribe file an application for a Secretarial Determination?
§ 292.15 - May a tribe apply for a Secretarial Determination for lands not yet held in trust?
Application Contents
§ 292.16 - What must an application for a Secretarial Determination contain?
§ 292.17 - How must an application describe the benefits and impacts of the proposed gaming establishment to the tribe and its members?
§ 292.18 - What information must an application contain on detrimental impacts to the surrounding community?
Evaluation and Concurrence
§ 292.21 - How will the Secretary evaluate a proposed gaming establishment?
§ 292.22 - How does the Secretary request the Governor's concurrence?
§ 292.23 - What happens if the Governor does not affirmatively concur with the Secretarial Determination?
§ 292.24 - Can the public review the Secretarial Determination?
§ 292.19 - How will the Regional Director conduct the consultation process?
§ 292.20 - What information must the consultation letter include?
Information Collection
§ 292.25 - Do information collections in this part have Office of Management and Budget approval?
Subpart D - Effect of Regulations
§ 292.26 - What effect do these regulations have on pending applications, final agency decisions, and opinions already issued?