Part 103 - Loan Guaranty, Insurance, and Interest Subsidy  

§ 103.46 - Loan servicing.
§ 103.47 - Restrictions on lenders.
§ 103.48 - Title to property purchased with loans.
§ 103.49 - Fraud or misrepresentation.
§ 103.50 - Loan guaranty and insurance fund.
§ 103.51 - Sale or assignment of guaranteed loans.
§ 103.52 - Records.
§ 103.53 - Suspension of lenders.
§ 103.54 - Probate.
§ 103.55 - Information collection.
Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 103.1 - What does this part do?
§ 103.2 - Who does the Program help?
§ 103.3 - Who administers the Program?
§ 103.4 - What kinds of loans will BIA guarantee or insure?
§ 103.5 - What size loan will BIA guarantee or insure?
§ 103.6 - To what extent will BIA guarantee or insure a loan?
§ 103.7 - Must the borrower have equity in the business being financed?
§ 103.8 - Is there any cost for a BIA guaranty or insurance coverage?
Subpart B - How a Lender Obtains a Loan Guaranty or Insurance Coverage
§ 103.9 - Who applies to BIA under the Program?
§ 103.10 - What lenders are eligible under the Program?
§ 103.11 - How does BIA approve lenders for the Program?
§ 103.12 - How does a lender apply for a loan guaranty?
§ 103.13 - How does a lender apply for loan insurance coverage?
§ 103.14 - Can BIA request additional information?
§ 103.15 - Are there any prohibited loan terms?
§ 103.16 - How does BIA approve or reject a loan guaranty or insurance application?
§ 103.17 - Must the lender follow any special procedures to close the loan?
§ 103.18 - How does BIA issue a loan guaranty or confirm loan insurance?
§ 103.19 - When must the lender pay BIA the loan guaranty or insurance premium?
Subpart C - Interest Subsidy
§ 103.20 - What is interest subsidy?
§ 103.21 - Who applies for interest subsidy payments, and what is the application procedure?
§ 103.22 - How does BIA determine the amount of interest subsidy?
§ 103.23 - How does BIA make interest subsidy payments?
§ 103.24 - How long will BIA make interest subsidy payments?
Subpart D - Provisions Relating to Borrowers
§ 103.25 - What kind of borrower is eligible under the Program?
§ 103.26 - What must the borrower supply the lender in its loan application?
§ 103.27 - Can the borrower get help preparing its loan application or putting its loan funds to use?
Subpart E - Loan Transfers
§ 103.28 - What if the lender transfers part of the loan to another person?
§ 103.29 - What if the lender transfers the entire loan?
Subpart F - Loan Servicing Requirements
§ 103.30 - What standard of care must a lender meet?
§ 103.31 - What loan servicing requirements apply to BIA?
§ 103.32 - What sort of loan documentation does BIA expect the lender to maintain?
§ 103.33 - Are there reporting requirements?
§ 103.34 - What if the lender and borrower decide to change the terms of the loan?
Subpart G - Default and Payment by BIA
§ 103.35 - What must the lender do if the borrower defaults on the loan?
§ 103.36 - What options and remedies does the lender have if the borrower defaults on the loan?
§ 103.37 - What must the lender do to collect payment under its loan guaranty certificate or loan insurance coverage?
§ 103.38 - Is there anything else for BIA or the lender to do after BIA makes payment?
§ 103.39 - When will BIA refuse to pay all or part of a lender's claim?
§ 103.40 - Will BIA make exceptions to its criteria for denying payment?
§ 103.41 - What happens if a lender violates provisions of this part?
§ 103.42 - How long must a lender comply with Program requirements?
§ 103.43 - What must the lender do after repayment in full?
Subpart H - Definitions and Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 103.44 - What certain terms mean in this part.
§ 103.45 - Information collection.