Part 1187 - Indian Business Incubators Program  

Subpart A - General Provisions and Eligibility
§ 1187.1 - What is the Indian Business Incubators Program (IBIP)?
§ 1187.2 - What terms do I need to know?
§ 1187.3 - Who is eligible to receive a grant under the IBIP?
Subpart B - Applying for a Grant
§ 1187.10 - How does an eligible applicant apply for a grant under the IBIP?
§ 1187.11 - What must an application include?
§ 1187.12 - What must an applicant include in a written site proposal?
§ 1187.13 - May applicants submit a joint application?
§ 1187.14 - What additional items must a joint application include?
Subpart C - Evaluation and Award of Grant Applications
§ 1187.20 - How will OIED evaluate each application?
§ 1187.21 - How will OIED evaluate the proposed location of the business incubator?
§ 1187.22 - How will OIED conduct the site evaluation?
Subpart D - Grant Awards
§ 1187.30 - How will OIED disburse the grant funds to awardees?
§ 1187.31 - May OIED award a grant that is duplicative of Federal funding from another source?
Subpart E - Grant Term and Conditions
§ 1187.40 - How long is the grant term?
§ 1187.41 - May OIED renew a grant award?
§ 1187.42 - What may awardees use grant funds for?
§ 1187.43 - May OIED waive the requirement for the non-Federal contribution?
§ 1187.44 - What minimum requirements must awardees meet?
§ 1187.45 - What reports must the awardee submit?
Subpart F - OIED Grant Administration
§ 1187.50 - How will OIED evaluate awardees' performance?
§ 1187.51 - Will OIED facilitate relationships between awardees and educational institutions serving Native American communities?
§ 1187.52 - How will OIED coordinate with other Federal agencies?