Part 151 - Land Acquisitions  

§ 151.1 - What is the purpose of this part?
§ 151.2 - How are key terms defined?
§ 151.3 - What is the Secretary's land acquisition policy?
§ 151.4 - How will the Secretary determine that statutory authority exists to acquire land in trust status?
§ 151.5 - May the Secretary acquire land in trust status by exchange?
§ 151.6 - May the Secretary approve acquisition of a fractional interest?
§ 151.7 - Is Tribal consent required for nonmember acquisitions?
§ 151.8 - What documentation is included in a trust acquisition package?
§ 151.9 - How will the Secretary evaluate a request involving land within the boundaries of an Indian reservation?
§ 151.10 - How will the Secretary evaluate a request involving land contiguous to the boundaries of an Indian reservation?
§ 151.11 - How will the Secretary evaluate a request involving land outside of and noncontiguous to the boundaries of an Indian reservation?
§ 151.12 - How will the Secretary evaluate a request involving land for an initial Indian acquisition?
§ 151.13 - How will the Secretary act on requests?
§ 151.14 - How will the Secretary review title?
§ 151.15 - How will the Secretary conduct a review of environmental conditions?
§ 151.16 - How are formalization of acceptance and trust status attained?
§ 151.17 - What effect does this part have on pending requests and final agency decisions already issued?
§ 151.18 - Severability.
Subpart A - Purpose, Definitions, General
Subpart B - Discretionary Acquisitions of Title On-Reservation
Subpart C - Discretionary Acquisitions of Title Off-Reservation
Subpart D - Mandatory Acceptance of Title
Subpart E - Tribal Land Acquisition Areas
§ 151.19 - What must be included in a request for Secretarial approval of a Tribal Land Acquisition Area?
§ 151.20 - How is a tribal request for Secretarial approval processed?
§ 151.21 - What criteria will BIA use to decide whether to approve a proposed Tribal Land Acquisition Area?
§ 151.22 - Can a tribe include in its Tribal Land Acquisition Area land inside another tribe's reservation or Tribal Land Acquisition Area?
§ 151.23 - If a Tribal Land Acquisition Area is not approved, is the tribe prohibited from acquiring land within it?
§ 151.24 - If a Tribal Land Acquisition Area is approved, does the land taken into trust within it attain reservation status?
§ 151.25 - Can a Tribal Land Acquisition Area be modified after approval?
Subpart F - False Statements, Recordkeeping, Information Collection
§ 151.26 - What is the penalty for making false statements in connection with a request that BIA place land into trust?
§ 151.27 - Who owns the records associated with this part?
§ 151.28 - How must a record associated with this part be preserved?