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Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
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Title 25 - Indians |
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Chapter I - Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior |
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SubChapter F - Tribal Government |
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Part 81 - Secretarial Election Procedures |
Subpart A - Purpose and Scope |
§ 81.1 - What is the purpose of this part? |
§ 81.2 - When does this part apply? |
§ 81.3 - Information collection. |
Subpart B - Definitions |
§ 81.4 - What terms do I need to know? |
Subpart C - Provisions Applicable to All Secretarial Elections |
§ 81.5 - What informal review is available to a tribe or petitioner when anticipating adopting or amending a governing document? |
§ 81.6 - How is a Secretarial election requested? |
§ 81.7 - What technical assistance will the Bureau provide after receiving a request for election? |
§ 81.8 - What happens if a governing Federal statute and this part disagree? |
§ 81.9 - Will the Secretary give deference to the Tribe's interpretation of its own documents? |
§ 81.10 - Who may cast a vote in a Secretarial election? |
§ 81.11 - May a tribe establish a voting age different from 18 years of age for Secretarial elections? |
§ 81.12 - What type of electioneering is allowed before and during Secretarial election? |
§ 81.13 - What types of voting assistance are provided for a Secretarial election? |
§ 81.14 - May Secretarial elections be scheduled at the same time as tribal elections? |
§ 81.15 - How are conflicting proposals to amend a single document handled? |
§ 81.16 - Who pays for holding the Secretarial election? |
§ 81.17 - May a tribe use its funds to pay non-Federal election officials? |
§ 81.18 - Who can withdraw a request for a Secretarial election? |
Subpart D - The Secretarial Election Process under the Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) |
§ 81.19 - How does the Bureau proceed after receiving a request for a Secretarial election? |
§ 81.20 - What is the first action to be taken by the Chair of the Election Board? |
§ 81.21 - What are the responsibilities of the Secretarial Election Board in conducting a Secretarial election? |
§ 81.22 - How is the Secretarial election conducted? |
§ 81.23 - What documents are included in the Secretarial Election Notice Packet? |
§ 81.24 - What information must be included on the Secretarial election notice? |
§ 81.25 - Where will the Secretarial election notice be posted? |
§ 81.26 - How does BIA use the information I provide on the registration form? |
§ 81.27 - Must I re-register if I have already registered for a tribal or Secretarial election? |
§ 81.28 - How do I submit my registration form? |
§ 81.29 - Why does the Secretarial Election Board compile a Registered Voters List? |
§ 81.30 - What information is contained in the Registered Voters List? |
§ 81.31 - Where is the Registered Voters List posted? |
§ 81.32 - May the Registered Voters List be challenged? |
§ 81.33 - How does the Secretarial Election Board respond to challenges? |
§ 81.34 - How are the official ballots prepared? |
§ 81.35 - When must the Secretarial Election Board send ballots to voters? |
§ 81.36 - What will the mailout or absentee ballot packet include? |
§ 81.37 - How do I cast my vote at a polling site? |
§ 81.38 - When are ballots counted? |
§ 81.39 - How does the Board determine whether the required percentage of registered voters have cast ballots? |
§ 81.40 - What happens if a ballot is spoiled before it is cast? |
§ 81.41 - Who certifies the results of the Election? |
§ 81.42 - Where are the results of the Election posted? |
§ 81.43 - How are the results of the Election challenged? |
§ 81.44 - What documents are sent to the Authorizing Official? |
§ 81.45 - When are the results of the Secretarial election final? |
Subpart E - The Secretarial Election Process Under the Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act (OIWA) |
§ 81.46 - How does the Bureau proceed upon receiving a request for an OIWA Election if no provisions are contrary to applicable law? |
§ 81.47 - How is the OIWA Secretarial election conducted? |
§ 81.48 - When are the results of the OIWA Election final? |
Subpart F - Formulating Petitions To Request a Secretarial Election |
§ 81.49 - What is the purpose of this subpart? |
§ 81.50 - Who must follow these requirements? |
§ 81.51 - How do tribal members circulate a petition to adopt or amend the tribe's governing document? |
§ 81.52 - Who may initiate a petition? |
§ 81.53 - Who may sign a petition? |
§ 81.54 - Who is authorized to submit a petition to the Secretary? |
§ 81.55 - How is the petition formatted and signed? |
§ 81.56 - Do petitions have a minimum or maximum number of pages? |
§ 81.57 - How do I determine how many signatures are needed for a petition to be valid? |
§ 81.58 - How long do tribal members have to gather the signatures? |
§ 81.59 - How does the spokesperson file a petition? |
§ 81.60 - How does the Local Bureau Official process the petition? |
§ 81.61 - How can signatures to the petition be challenged? |
§ 81.62 - How is the petition validated? |
§ 81.63 - May the same petition be used for more than one Secretarial election? |