Part 5c - Temporary Income Tax Regulations Under the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981  

§ 5c.103-1 - Leases and capital expenditures.
§ 5c.1305-1 - Special income averaging rules for taxpayers otherwise required to compute tax in accordance with § 5c.1256-3.
§ 5c.442-1 - Temporary regulations relating to change of annual accounting period.
§ 5c.103-2 - Leases and industrial development bonds.
§ 5c.103-3 - Leases and arbitrage.
§ 5c.44F-1 - Leases and qualified research expenses.
§ 5c.168(f)(8)-1 - Special rules for leases.
§ 5c.168(f)(8)-2 - Election to characterize transaction as a section 168(f)(8) lease.
§ 5c.168(f)(8)-3 - Requirements for lessor.
§ 5c.168(f)(8)-4 - Minimum investment of lessor.
§ 5c.168(f)(8)-5 - Term of lease.
§ 5c.168(f)(8)-6 - Qualified leased property.
§ 5c.168(f)(8)-7 - Reporting of income, deductions and investment tax credit; at risk rules.
§ 5c.168(f)(8)-8 - Loss of section 168(f)(8) protection; recapture.
§ 5c.168(f)(8)-9 - Pass-through leases - transfer of only the investment tax credit to a party other than the ultimate user of the property. [Reserved]
§ 5c.168(f)(8)-10 - Leases between related parties. [Reserved]
§ 5c.168(f)(8)-11 - Consolidated returns. [Reserved]