Part 45 - Removal of Tobacco Products and Cigarette Papers and Tubes, Without Payment of Tax, for Use of the United States  

Subpart A - Scope of Regulations
§ 45.1 - Removal of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes, without payment of tax, for use of the United States.
Subpart B - Definitions
§ 45.11 - Meaning of terms.
Subpart C - Administrative Provisions
§ 45.21 - Alternate methods or procedures.
§ 45.22 - Emergency variations from requirements.
§ 45.23 - Authority of appropriate TTB officers to enter premises.
§ 45.24 - Interference with administration.
§ 45.25 - Unlawful purchase, receipt, possession, or sale of tobacco products, or cigarette papers or tubes, after removal.
§ 45.26 - Delegations of the Administrator.
§ 45.27 - Forms prescribed.
Subpart D - Removals
§ 45.31 - Removals for delivery to a Federal agency.
§ 45.32 - Under manufacturer's bond.
§ 45.33 - Return of shipment to factory.
§ 45.34 - Loss or shortage in shipment.
§ 45.35 - Liability for tax.
§ 45.36 - Payment of tax.
§ 45.37 - Assessment.
Subpart E - Packaging Requirements
§ 45.41 - Packages.
§ 45.42 - Mark.
§ 45.43 - Notice for smokeless tobacco.
§ 45.44 - Notice for cigars.
§ 45.45 - Notice for cigarettes.
§ 45.46 - Tax-exempt label.
§ 45.45a - Notice for pipe tobacco.
§ 45.45b - Notice for roll-your-own tobacco.
§ 45.45c - Package use-up rule.
Subpart F - Records
§ 45.51 - Supporting records.