Part 478 - Commerce in Firearms and Ammunition  

Subpart A - Introduction
§ 478.1 - Scope of regulations.
§ 478.2 - Relation to other provisions of law.
Subpart B - Definitions
§ 478.11 - Meaning of terms.
§ 478.12 - xxx
§ 478.13 - Definition of “engaged in the business as a dealer in firearms other than a gunsmith or a pawnbroker.”
Subpart C - Administrative and Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 478.21 - Forms prescribed.
§ 478.22 - Alternate methods or procedures; emergency variations from requirements.
§ 478.23 - Right of entry and examination.
§ 478.24 - Compilation of State laws and published ordinances.
§ 478.25 - Disclosure of information.
§ 478.26 - Curio and relic determination.
§ 478.27 - Destructive device determination.
§ 478.28 - Transportation of destructive devices and certain firearms.
§ 478.29 - Out-of-State acquisition of firearms by nonlicensees.
§ 478.30 - Out-of-State disposition of firearms by nonlicensees.
§ 478.31 - Delivery by common or contract carrier.
§ 478.32 - Prohibited shipment, transportation, possession, or receipt of firearms and ammunition by certain persons.
§ 478.33 - Stolen firearms and ammunition.
§ 478.34 - Removed, obliterated, or altered serial number.
§ 478.35 - Skeet, trap, target, and similar shooting activities.
§ 478.36 - Transfer or possession of machine guns.
§ 478.37 - Manufacture, importation and sale of armor piercing ammunition.
§ 478.38 - Transportation of firearms.
§ 478.39 - Assembly of semiautomatic rifles or shotguns.
§ 478.40 - [Reserved]
§ 478.40a - Transfer and possession of large capacity ammunition feeding devices.
§ 478.33a - Theft of firearms.
§ 478.25a - Responses to requests for information.
§ 478.29a - Acquisition of firearms by nonresidents.
§ 478.39a - Reporting theft or loss of firearms.
Subpart D - Licenses
§ 478.41 - General.
§ 478.42 - License fees.
§ 478.43 - License fee not refundable.
§ 478.44 - Original license.
§ 478.45 - Renewal of license.
§ 478.46 - Insufficient fee.
§ 478.47 - Issuance of license.
§ 478.48 - Correction of error on license.
§ 478.49 - Duration of license.
§ 478.50 - Locations covered by license.
§ 478.51 - License not transferable.
§ 478.52 - Change of address.
§ 478.53 - Change in trade name.
§ 478.54 - Change of control.
§ 478.55 - Continuing partnerships.
§ 478.56 - Right of succession by certain persons.
§ 478.57 - Discontinuance of business.
§ 478.58 - State or other law.
§ 478.59 - Abandoned application.
§ 478.60 - Certain continuances of business.
Subpart E - License Proceedings
§ 478.71 - Denial of an application for license.
§ 478.72 - Hearing after application denial.
§ 478.73 - Notice of revocation, suspension, or imposition of civil fine.
§ 478.74 - Request for hearing after notice of suspension, revocation, or imposition of civil fine.
§ 478.75 - Service on applicant or licensee.
§ 478.76 - Representation at a hearing.
§ 478.77 - Designated place of hearing.
§ 478.78 - Operations by licensee after notice.
Subpart F - Conduct of Business
§ 478.91 - Posting of license.
§ 478.92 - Identification of firearms and armor piercing ammunition by licensed manufacturers and licensed importers.
§ 478.93 - Authorized operations by a licensed collector.
§ 478.94 - Sales or deliveries between licensees.
§ 478.95 - Certified copy of license.
§ 478.96 - Out-of-State and mail order sales.
§ 478.97 - Loan or rental of firearms.
§ 478.98 - Sales or deliveries of destructive devices and certain firearms.
§ 478.99 - Certain prohibited sales or deliveries.
§ 478.100 - Conduct of business away from licensed premises.
§ 478.101 - Record of transactions.
§ 478.102 - Sales or deliveries of firearms on and after November 30, 1998.
§ 478.103 - Posting of signs and written notification to purchasers of handguns.
§ 478.104 - xxx
Subpart G - Importation
§ 478.111 - General.
§ 478.112 - Importation by a licensed importer.
§ 478.113 - Importation by other licensees.
§ 478.114 - Importation by members of the U.S. Armed Forces.
§ 478.115 - Exempt importation.
§ 478.116 - Conditional importation.
§ 478.117 - Function outside a customs territory.
§ 478.118 - Importation of certain firearms classified as curios or relics.
§ 478.119 - [Reserved]
§ 478.120 - Firearms or ammunition imported by or for a nonimmigrant alien.
§ 478.113a - Importation of firearm barrels by nonlicensees.
Subpart H - Records
§ 478.121 - General.
§ 478.122 - Records maintained by importers.
§ 478.123 - Records maintained by manufacturers.
§ 478.124 - Firearms transaction record.
§ 478.125 - Record of receipt and disposition.
§ 478.126 - Furnishing transaction information.
§ 478.127 - Discontinuance of business.
§ 478.128 - False statement or representation.
§ 478.129 - Record retention.
§ 478.131 - Firearms transactions not subject to a NICS check.
§ 478.132 - [Reserved]
§ 478.133 - Records of transactions in semiautomatic assault weapons.
§ 478.134 - Sale of firearms to law enforcement officers.
§ 478.124a - Firearms transaction record in lieu of record of receipt and disposition.
§ 478.125a - Personal firearms collection.
§ 478.126a - Reporting multiple sales or other disposition of pistols and revolvers.
Subpart I - Exemptions, Seizures, and Forfeitures
§ 478.141 - General.
§ 478.142 - Effect of pardons and expunctions of convictions.
§ 478.143 - Relief from disabilities incurred by indictment.
§ 478.144 - Relief from disabilities under the Act.
§ 478.145 - Research organizations.
§ 478.146 - Deliveries by mail to certain persons.
§ 478.147 - Return of firearm.
§ 478.148 - Armor piercing ammunition intended for sporting or industrial purposes.
§ 478.149 - Armor piercing ammunition manufactured or imported for the purpose of testing or experimentation.
§ 478.150 - Alternative to NICS in certain geographical locations.
§ 478.151 - Semiautomatic rifles or shotguns for testing or experimentation.
§ 478.152 - Seizure and forfeiture.
§ 478.153 - [Reserved]
Subpart J - XXX
Subpart K - Exportation
§ 478.171 - Exportation.