Part 51 - Procedures for the Administration of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, as Amended  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 51.1 - Purpose.
§ 51.2 - Definitions.
§ 51.3 - Delegation of authority.
§ 51.4 - Date used to determine coverage; list of covered jurisdictions.
§ 51.5 - Termination of coverage.
§ 51.6 - Political subunits.
§ 51.7 - Political parties.
§ 51.8 - Section 3 coverage.
§ 51.9 - Computation of time.
§ 51.10 - Requirement of action for declaratory judgment or submission to the Attorney General.
§ 51.11 - Right to bring suit.
§ 51.12 - Scope of requirement.
§ 51.13 - Examples of changes.
§ 51.14 - Recurrent practices.
§ 51.15 - Enabling legislation and contingent or nonuniform requirements.
§ 51.16 - Distinction between changes in procedure and changes in substance.
§ 51.17 - Special elections.
§ 51.18 - Federal court-ordered changes.
§ 51.19 - Request for notification concerning voting litigation.
Subpart B - Procedures for Submission to the Attorney General
§ 51.20 - Form of submissions.
§ 51.21 - Time of submissions.
§ 51.22 - Submitted changes that will not be reviewed.
§ 51.23 - Party and jurisdiction responsible for making submissions.
§ 51.24 - Delivery of submissions.
§ 51.25 - Withdrawal of submissions.
Subpart C - Contents of Submissions
§ 51.26 - General.
§ 51.27 - Required contents.
§ 51.28 - Supplemental contents.
Subpart D - Communications From Individuals and Groups
§ 51.29 - Communications concerning voting changes.
§ 51.30 - Action on communications from individuals or groups.
§ 51.31 - Communications concerning voting suits.
§ 51.32 - Establishment and maintenance of registry of interested individuals and groups.
Subpart E - Processing of Submissions
§ 51.33 - Notice to registrants concerning submissions.
§ 51.34 - Expedited consideration.
§ 51.35 - Disposition of inappropriate submissions and resubmissions.
§ 51.36 - Release of information concerning submissions.
§ 51.37 - Obtaining information from the submitting authority.
§ 51.38 - Obtaining information from others.
§ 51.39 - Supplemental information and related submissions.
§ 51.40 - Failure to complete submissions.
§ 51.41 - Notification of decision not to object.
§ 51.42 - Failure of the Attorney General to respond.
§ 51.43 - Reexamination of decision not to object.
§ 51.44 - Notification of decision to object.
§ 51.45 - Request for reconsideration.
§ 51.46 - Reconsideration of objection at the instance of the Attorney General.
§ 51.47 - Conference.
§ 51.48 - Decision after reconsideration.
§ 51.49 - Absence of judicial review.
§ 51.50 - Records concerning submissions.
Subpart F - Determinations by the Attorney General
§ 51.51 - Purpose of the subpart.
§ 51.52 - Basic standard.
§ 51.53 - Information considered.
§ 51.54 - Discriminatory purpose and effect.
§ 51.55 - Consistency with constitutional and statutory requirements.
§ 51.56 - Guidance from the courts.
§ 51.57 - Relevant factors.
§ 51.58 - Representation.
§ 51.59 - Redistricting plans.
§ 51.60 - Changes in electoral systems.
§ 51.61 - Annexations.
Subpart G - Sanctions
§ 51.62 - Enforcement by the Attorney General.
§ 51.63 - Enforcement by private parties.
§ 51.64 - Bar to termination of coverage (bailout).
Subpart H - Petition To Change Procedures
§ 51.65 - Who may petition.
§ 51.66 - Form of petition.
§ 51.67 - Disposition of petition.
Appendix to Part 51 - Jurisdictions Covered Under Section 4(b) of the Voting Rights Act, as Amended