Part 68 - Rules of Practice and Procedure for Administrative Hearings Before Administrative Law Judges in Cases Involving Allegations of Unlawful Employment of Aliens, Unfair Immigration-Related Employment Practices, and Document Fraud  

§ 68.1 - Scope of rules.
§ 68.2 - Definitions.
§ 68.3 - Service of complaint, notice of hearing, written orders, and decisions.
§ 68.4 - Complaints regarding unfair immigration-related employment practices.
§ 68.5 - Notice of date, time, and place of hearing.
§ 68.6 - Service and filing of documents.
§ 68.7 - Form of pleadings.
§ 68.8 - Time computations.
§ 68.9 - Responsive pleadings - answer.
§ 68.10 - Motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted.
§ 68.11 - Motions and requests.
§ 68.12 - Prehearing statements.
§ 68.13 - Conferences.
§ 68.14 - Consent findings or dismissal.
§ 68.15 - Intervenor in unfair immigration-related employment cases.
§ 68.16 - Consolidation of hearings.
§ 68.17 - Amicus curiae.
§ 68.18 - Discovery - general provisions.
§ 68.19 - Written interrogatories to parties.
§ 68.20 - Production of documents, things, and inspection of land.
§ 68.21 - Admissions.
§ 68.22 - Depositions.
§ 68.23 - Motion to compel response to discovery; sanctions.
§ 68.24 - Use of depositions at hearings.
§ 68.25 - Subpoenas.
§ 68.26 - Designation of Administrative Law Judge.
§ 68.27 - Continuances.
§ 68.28 - Authority of Administrative Law Judge.
§ 68.29 - Unavailability of Administrative Law Judge.
§ 68.30 - Disqualification.
§ 68.31 - Separation of functions.
§ 68.32 - Expedition.
§ 68.33 - Participation of parties and representation.
§ 68.34 - Legal assistance.
§ 68.35 - Standards of conduct.
§ 68.36 - Ex parte communications.
§ 68.37 - Waiver of right to appear and failure to participate or to appear.
§ 68.38 - Motion for summary decision.
§ 68.39 - Formal hearings.
§ 68.40 - Evidence.
§ 68.41 - Official notice.
§ 68.42 - In camera and protective orders.
§ 68.43 - Exhibits.
§ 68.44 - Records in other proceedings.
§ 68.45 - Designation of parts of documents.
§ 68.46 - Authenticity.
§ 68.47 - Stipulations.
§ 68.48 - Record of hearings.
§ 68.49 - Closing the record.
§ 68.50 - Receipt of documents after hearing.
§ 68.51 - Restricted access.
§ 68.52 - Final order of the Administrative Law Judge.
§ 68.53 - Review of an interlocutory order of an Administrative Law Judge in cases arising under section 274A or 274C.
§ 68.54 - Administrative review of a final order of an Administrative Law Judge in cases arising under section 274A or 274C.
§ 68.55 - Referral of cases arising under section 274A, 274B, or 274C to the Attorney General for review.
§ 68.56 - Judicial review of a final agency order in cases arising under section 274A or 274C.
§ 68.57 - Judicial review of a final agency order in cases arising under section 274B.
§ 68.58 - Filing of the official record.