Part 544 - Education  

Subparts A--B - XXX
Subpart C - Postsecondary Education Programs for Inmates
§ 544.20 - Purpose and scope.
§ 544.21 - Procedures.
§ 544.22 - Enrollment requirements.
§ 544.23 - Procedures.
Subpart D - Inmate Recreation Programs
§ 544.30 - Purpose and scope.
§ 544.31 - Definitions.
§ 544.32 - Goals.
§ 544.33 - Movies.
§ 544.34 - Inmate running events.
§ 544.35 - Art and hobbycraft.
Subpart E - Mandatory English-as-a-Second Language Program (ESL)
§ 544.40 - Purpose and scope.
§ 544.41 - Applicability: Who must attend the ESL program.
§ 544.42 - Procedures.
§ 544.43 - Incentives.
§ 544.44 - Disciplinary action.
Subpart F - Occupational Education Programs
§ 544.50 - Purpose and scope.
§ 544.51 - Procedures.
§ 544.52 - Levels of Occupational Education Programs.
§ 544.53 - On-the-job-training.
§ 544.54 - Apprentice training.
§ 544.55 - Procedures for occupational education programs.
§ 544.56 - Exploratory training.
Subpart G - XXX
Subpart H - Literacy Program
§ 544.70 - Purpose and scope.
§ 544.71 - Exceptions to required literacy program participation.
§ 544.72 - Incentives.
§ 544.73 - Program participation.
§ 544.74 - Work assignment limitations.
§ 544.75 - Disciplinary action.
Subpart I - Education, Training and Leisure-Time Program Standards
§ 544.80 - Purpose and scope.
§ 544.81 - Program goals.
§ 544.82 - General program characteristics.
§ 544.83 - Inmate tutors.
Subpart J - XXX
Subpart K - Inmate Library Services
§ 544.100 - Purpose and scope.
§ 544.101 - Procedures.