§ 285.610 - What must I include in my SAP?  

Latest version.
  • Your SAP must include the following information, as applicable.

    (a) For all activities you propose to conduct under your SAP, you must provide the following information:


    (b) You must provide the results of geophysical and geological surveys, hazards surveys, archaeological surveys (if required), and baseline collection studies (e.g., biological) with the supporting data in your SAP:


    (c) If you submit your COP or FERC license application with your SAP then:

    (1) You must provide sufficient data and information with your COP or FERC license application for MMS and/or FERC to complete the needed reviews and NEPA analysis.

    (2) You may need to revise your COP or FERC license application and MMS and/or FERC may need to conduct additional reviews, including NEPA analysis, if new information becomes available after you complete your site assessment activities.