Part 1955 - Procedures for Withdrawal of Approval of State Plans  

Subpart A - General
§ 1955.1 - Purpose and scope.
§ 1955.2 - Definitions.
§ 1955.3 - General policy.
§ 1955.4 - Effect of withdrawal of approval.
§ 1955.5 - Petitions for withdrawal of approval.
Subpart B - Notice of Formal Proceeding
§ 1955.10 - Publication of notice of formal proceeding.
§ 1955.11 - Contents of notice of formal proceeding.
§ 1955.12 - Administrative law judge; powers and duties.
§ 1955.13 - Disqualification.
§ 1955.14 - Ex parte communications.
§ 1955.15 - Manner of service and filing.
§ 1955.16 - Time.
§ 1955.17 - Determination of parties.
§ 1955.18 - Provision for written comments.
Subpart C - Consent Findings and Summary Decisions
§ 1955.20 - Consent findings and orders.
§ 1955.21 - Motion for a summary decision.
§ 1955.22 - Summary decision.
Subpart D - Preliminary Conference and Discovery
§ 1955.30 - Submission of documentary evidence.
§ 1955.31 - Preliminary conference.
§ 1955.32 - Discovery.
§ 1955.33 - Sanctions for failure to comply with orders.
§ 1955.34 - Fees of witnesses.
Subpart E - Hearing and Decision
§ 1955.40 - Hearings.
§ 1955.41 - Decision of the administrative law judge.
§ 1955.42 - Exceptions.
§ 1955.43 - Transmission of the record.
§ 1955.44 - Final decision.
§ 1955.45 - Effect of appeal of administrative law judge's decision.
§ 1955.46 - Finality for purposes of judicial review.
§ 1955.47 - Judicial review.