Part 37 - Implementation of the Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Provisions of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA)  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 37.1 - What is the purpose of this part?
§ 37.2 - To whom does this part apply, and what is the scope of this part?
§ 37.3 - How does this part affect a recipient's other obligations?
§ 37.4 - What definitions apply to this part?
§ 37.5 - What forms of discrimination are prohibited by this part?
§ 37.6 - What specific discriminatory actions, based on prohibited grounds other than disability, are prohibited by this part, and what limitations are there related to religious activities?
§ 37.7 - What specific discriminatory actions based on disability are prohibited by this part?
§ 37.8 - What are a recipient's responsibilities regarding reasonable accommodation and reasonable modification for individuals with disabilities?
§ 37.9 - What are a recipient's responsibilities to communicate with individuals with disabilities?
§ 37.10 - To what extent are employment practices covered by this part?
§ 37.11 - To what extent are intimidation and retaliation prohibited by this part?
§ 37.12 - What Department of Labor office is responsible for administering this part?
§ 37.13 - Who is responsible for providing interpretations of this part?
§ 37.14 - Under what circumstances may the Secretary delegate the responsibilities of this part?
§ 37.15 - What are the Director's responsibilities to coordinate with other civil rights agencies?
§ 37.16 - What is this part's effect on a recipient's obligations under other laws, and what limitations apply?
Subpart B - Recordkeeping and Other Affirmative Obligations of Recipients
§ 37.20 - What is a grant applicant's obligation to provide a written assurance?
§ 37.21 - How long will the recipient's obligation under the assurance last, and how broad is the obligation?
§ 37.22 - How must covenants be used in connection with this part?
§ 37.23 - Who must designate an Equal Opportunity Officer?
§ 37.24 - Who is eligible to serve as an Equal Opportunity Officer?
§ 37.25 - What are the responsibilities of an Equal Opportunity Officer?
§ 37.26 - What are a recipient's obligations relating to the Equal Opportunity Officer?
§ 37.27 - What are the obligations of small recipients regarding Equal Opportunity Officers?
§ 37.28 - What are the obligations of service providers regarding Equal Opportunity Officers?
Notice and Communication
§ 37.29 - What are a recipient's obligations to disseminate its equal opportunity policy?
§ 37.30 - What specific wording must the notice contain?
§ 37.31 - Where must the notice required by §§ 37.29 and 37.30 be published?
§ 37.32 - When must the notice required by §§ 37.29 and 37.30 be provided?
§ 37.33 - Who is responsible for meeting the notice requirement with respect to service providers?
§ 37.34 - What type of notice must a recipient include in publications, broadcasts, and other communications?
§ 37.35 - What are a recipient's responsibilities to provide services and information in languages other than English?
§ 37.36 - What responsibilities does a recipient have to communicate information during orientations?
Data and Information Collection and Maintenance
§ 37.37 - What are a recipient's responsibilities to collect and maintain data and other information?
§ 37.38 - What information must grant applicants and recipients provide to CRC?
§ 37.39 - How long must grant applicants and recipients maintain the records required under this part?
§ 37.40 - What access to sources of information must grant applicants and recipients provide the Director?
§ 37.41 - What responsibilities do grant applicants, recipients, and the Department have to maintain the confidentiality of the information collected?
§ 37.42 - What are a recipient's responsibilities under this part to provide universal access to WIA Title I-financially assisted programs and activities?
Subpart C - Governor's Responsibilities To Implement the Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Requirements of WIA
§ 37.50 - To whom does this subpart apply?
§ 37.51 - What are a Governor's oversight responsibilities?
§ 37.52 - To what extent may a Governor be liable for the actions of a recipient he or she has financially assisted under WIA Title I?
§ 37.53 - What are a Governor's oversight responsibilities regarding recipients' recordkeeping?
§ 37.54 - What are a Governor's obligations to develop and maintain a Methods of Administration?
§ 37.55 - When must the Governor carry out his or her obligations with regard to the Methods of Administration?
Subpart D - Compliance Procedures
§ 37.60 - How does the Director evaluate compliance with the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions of WIA and this part?
§ 37.61 - Is there authority to issue subpoenas?
§ 37.62 - What are the authority and procedures for conducting pre-approval compliance reviews?
§ 37.63 - What are the authority and procedures for conducting post-approval compliance reviews?
§ 37.64 - What procedures must the Director follow when CRC has completed a post-approval compliance review?
§ 37.65 - What is the Director's authority to monitor the activities of a Governor?
§ 37.66 - What happens if a recipient fails to submit requested data, records, and/or information, or fails to provide CRC with the required access?
§ 37.67 - What information must a Notice to Show Cause contain?
§ 37.68 - How may a recipient show cause why enforcement proceedings should not be instituted?
§ 37.69 - What happens if a recipient fails to show cause?
§ 37.70 - Who may file a complaint concerning discrimination connected with WIA Title I?
§ 37.71 - Where may a complaint be filed?
§ 37.72 - When must a complaint be filed?
§ 37.73 - What information must a complaint contain?
§ 37.74 - Are there any forms that a complainant may use to file a complaint?
§ 37.75 - Is there a right of representation in the complaint process?
§ 37.76 - What are the required elements of a recipient's discrimination complaint processing procedures?
§ 37.77 - Who is responsible for developing and publishing complaint processing procedures for service providers?
§ 37.78 - Does a recipient have any special obligations in cases in which the recipient determines that it has no jurisdiction over a complaint?
§ 37.79 - If, before the 90-day period has expired, a recipient issues a Notice of Final Action with which the complainant is dissatisfied, how long does the complainant have to file a complaint with the Director?
§ 37.80 - What happens if a recipient fails to issue a Notice of Final Action within 90 days of the date on which a complaint was filed?
§ 37.81 - Are there any circumstances under which the Director may extend the time limit for filing a complaint with him or her?
§ 37.82 - Does the Director accept every complaint for resolution?
§ 37.83 - What happens if a complaint does not contain enough information?
§ 37.84 - What happens if CRC does not have jurisdiction over a complaint?
§ 37.85 - Are there any other circumstances in which the Director will send a complaint to another authority?
§ 37.86 - What must the Director do if he or she determines that a complaint will not be accepted?
§ 37.87 - What must the Director do if he or she determines that a complaint will be accepted?
§ 37.88 - Who may contact CRC about a complaint?
§ 37.89 - May the Director offer the parties to a complaint the option of mediation?
§ 37.90 - If a complaint is investigated, what must the Director do when the investigation is completed?
§ 37.91 - What notice must the Director issue if he or she finds reasonable cause to believe that a violation has taken place?
§ 37.92 - What notice must the Director issue if he or she finds no reasonable cause to believe that a violation has taken place?
§ 37.93 - What happens if the Director finds that a violation has taken place, and the recipient fails or refuses to take the corrective action listed in the Initial Determination?
§ 37.94 - What corrective or remedial actions may be imposed where, after a compliance review or complaint investigation, the Director finds a violation of the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions of WIA or this part?
§ 37.95 - What procedures apply if the Director finds that a recipient has violated the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions of WIA or this part?
§ 37.96 - What are the required elements of a written assurance?
§ 37.97 - What are the required elements of a Conciliation Agreement?
§ 37.98 - When will the Director conclude that compliance cannot be secured by voluntary means?
§ 37.99 - If the Director concludes that compliance cannot be secured by voluntary means, what actions must he or she take?
§ 37.100 - What information must a Final Determination contain?
§ 37.101 - Whom must the Director notify of a finding of noncompliance?
§ 37.102 - What happens if a grant applicant or recipient breaches a Conciliation Agreement?
§ 37.103 - Whom must the Director notify about a breach of a Conciliation Agreement?
§ 37.104 - What information must a Notification of Breach of Conciliation Agreement contain?
§ 37.105 - Whom must the Director notify if enforcement action under a Notification of Breach of Conciliation Agreement is commenced?
Subpart E - Federal Procedures For Effecting Compliance
§ 37.110 - What enforcement procedures does the Department follow to effect compliance with the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions of WIA and this part?
§ 37.111 - What hearing procedures does the Department follow?
§ 37.112 - What procedures for initial and final decisions does the Department follow?
§ 37.113 - What procedure does the Department follow to suspend, terminate, withhold, deny or discontinue WIA Title I financial assistance?
§ 37.114 - What procedure does the Department follow to distribute WIA Title I financial assistance to an alternate recipient?
§ 37.115 - What procedures does the Department follow for post-termination proceedings?