§ 250.213 - What general information must accompany the EP?  

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  • The following general information must accompany your EP:

    (a) Applications and permits. A listing, including filing or approval status, of the Federal, State, and local application approvals or permits you must obtain to conduct your proposed exploration activities.

    (b) Drilling fluids. A table showing the projected amount, discharge rate, and chemical constituents for each type (i.e., water-based, oil-based, synthetic-based) of drilling fluid you plan to use to drill your proposed exploration wells.

    (c) Chemical products. A table showing the name and brief description, quantities to be stored, storage method, and rates of usage of the chemical products you will use to conduct your proposed exploration activities. List only those chemical products you will store or use in quantities greater than the amounts defined as Reportable Quantities in 40 CFR part 302, or amounts specified by the Regional Supervisor.

    (d) New or unusual technology. A description and discussion of any new or unusual technology (see definition under § 250.200) you will use to carry out your proposed exploration activities. In the public information copies of your EP, you may exclude any proprietary information from this description. In that case, include a brief discussion of the general subject matter of the omitted information. If you will not use any new or unusual technology to carry out your proposed exploration activities, include a statement so indicating.

    (e) Bonds, oil spill financial responsibility, and well control statements. Statements attesting that:

    (1) The activities and facilities proposed in your EP are or will be covered by an appropriate bond under 30 CFR part 256, subpart I;

    (2) You have demonstrated or will demonstrate oil spill financial responsibility for facilities proposed in your EP according to 30 CFR part 253; and

    (3) You have or will have the financial capability to drill a relief well and conduct other emergency well control operations.

    (f) Suspensions of operations. A brief discussion of any suspensions of operations that you anticipate may be necessary in the course of conducting your activities under the EP.

    (g) Blowout scenario. A scenario for the potential blowout of the proposed well in your EP that you expect will have the highest volume of liquid hydrocarbons. Include the estimated flow rate, total volume, and maximum duration of the potential blowout. Also, discuss the potential for the well to bridge over, the likelihood for surface intervention to stop the blowout, the availability of a rig to drill a relief well, and rig package constraints. Estimate the time it would take to drill a relief well.

    (h) Contact. The name, address (e-mail address, if available), and telephone number of the person with whom the Regional Supervisor and any affected State(s) can communicate about your EP.