§ 290.111 - How will MMS and delegated States serve official correspondence?

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  • (a) Method of service. The Royalty Management Program (RMP) or a delegated State will serve official correspondence by sending the document by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, to the addressee of record established in paragraph (b) of this section. Instead of certified or registered mail, RMP or a delegated State may deliver the document personally to the addressee of record and obtain a signature acknowledging the addressee's receipt of the document. Official correspondence includes all orders that are appealable under this subpart.

    (b) Addressee of record. (1) The addressee of record for administrative correspondence for refiners participating in the Government's Royalty-in-Kind (RIK) Program is the position title, department name and address, or individual name and address identified in the executed royalty oil sale contract. The refiner/purchaser may identify, in writing, a different position title, department name and address, or individual name and address for billing purposes. The refiner must notify MMS, in writing, of all addressee changes.

    (2) The addressee of record for serving official correspondence on anyone required to report energy and mineral resources removed from Federal and Indian leases to the RMP Production Accounting and Auditing System is the most recent position title, department name and address, or individual name and address that RMP has in its records for the reporter/payor. The reporter/payor is responsible for notifying RMP, in writing, of any addressee changes.

    (3) The addressee of record for serving official correspondence concerning onshore Federal leases is the current lessee of record with the Bureau of Land Management. For Indian leases, the addressee of record is the current lessee of record with the Bureau of Indian Affairs. For offshore leases, the addressee of record is the current lessee of record with the MMS Offshore Minerals Management Program. The lessee is responsible for notifying the appropriate Government office of any addressee changes.

    (4) The addressee of record for serving official correspondence in connection with reviews and audits of payor records is the position title, department name and address, or individual name and address designated, in writing, by the company at the initiation of the audit, or the most recent addressee that was specified, in writing, by the payor.

    (5) The addressee of record for serving official correspondence relating to reporting on the “Report of Sales and Royalty Remittance” (Form MMS-2014) is the most recent position title, department name and address, or individual name and address specified, in writing, by the payor. The payor is responsible for notifying RMP, in writing, of any addressee changes.

    (6) The addressee of record for serving official correspondence in connection with remittances pertaining to rental and bonuses from nonproducing Federal leases is the most recent position title, department name and address, or individual name and address maintained in RMP records. The payor is responsible for notifying RMP, in writing, of any addressee changes.

    (7) The addressee of record for serving official correspondence including orders, demands, invoices, or decisions, and other actions identified with payors reporting to the RMP Auditing and Financial System not identified above is the position title, department name and address or individual name and address for the payor identified on the most recent Payor Confirmation Report (Report No. RPI140R1) of a Payor Information Form (PIF) (Form MMS-4025 or Form MMS-4030) returned by RMP to the payor for the Federal or Indian lease (see 30 CFR 210.51 and 210.201).

    (8) If correspondence applies to more than one category identified in paragraphs (b)(1) through (7) of this section, MMS may serve the official correspondence in accordance with the requirements of any one paragraph.

    (c) Dates of service. Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, MMS considers official correspondence as served on the date that it is received at the address of record established under paragraph (b) of this section. A receipt signed by any person at that address is evidence of service. If official correspondence is served both personally and by registered or certified mail, the date of service is the earlier of the two dates, if they are different.

    (d) Constructive service. (1) If delivery cannot be made after reasonable effort at the address of record established under paragraph (b) of this section, MMS deems official correspondence as constructively served 7 days after the date that the document is mailed.

    (2) This provision covers such situations as nondelivery because the addressee has moved without filing a forwarding address, the forwarding order had expired, delivery was expressly refused, or the document was unclaimed where the attempt to deliver is substantiated by U.S. Postal Service authorities.