§ 925.19 - Termination of Federal enforcement of the Missouri program.  

Latest version.
  • (a) OSM will consider returning to the MLRP the authority suspended under 30 CFR 925.17 provided the following requirements have been met:

    (1) The MLRP accomplished to the satisfaction of OSM all remedial actions specified under 30 CFR 925.18.

    (2) The MLRP petitioned OSM in writing to consider returning authority to the State.

    (b) Upon satisfaction of the requirements specified in paragraph (a) of this section, OSM will schedule a public comment period and hearing on the MLRP's request.

    (c) Following the close of the hearing and the comment period, OSM will announce in the Federal Register its decision to grant in whole or in part, or to deny the MLRP's request.

    (d) Following OSM's decision to grant, in part, or to deny the MLRP's request, we will publish in the Federal Register further actions the MLRP will be required to take and the timeframes for taking such actions before OSM will consider a second request from the MLRP to return authority to the State.