Part 1204 - Alternatives for Marginal Properties  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 1204.1 - What is the purpose of this part?
§ 1204.2 - What definitions apply to this part?
§ 1204.3 - What alternatives are available for marginal properties?
§ 1204.4 - What is a marginal property under this part?
§ 1204.5 - What statutory requirements must I meet to obtain royalty prepayment or accounting and auditing relief?
§ 1204.6 - May I appeal if ONRR denies my request for prepayment or other relief?
Subpart B - Prepayment of Royalty
Subpart C - Accounting and Auditing Relief
§ 1204.200 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 1204.201 - Who may obtain accounting and auditing relief?
§ 1204.202 - What is the cumulative royalty reports and payments relief option?
§ 1204.203 - What is the other relief option?
§ 1204.204 - What accounting and auditing relief will ONRR not allow?
§ 1204.205 - How do I obtain accounting and auditing relief?
§ 1204.206 - What will ONRR do when it receives my request for other relief?
§ 1204.207 - Who will approve, deny, or modify my request for accounting and auditing relief?
§ 1204.208 - May a State decide that it will or will not allow one or both of the relief options under this subpart?
§ 1204.209 - What if a property ceases to qualify for relief obtained under this subpart?
§ 1204.210 - What if a property is approved as part of a nonqualifying agreement?
§ 1204.211 - When may ONRR rescind relief for a property?
§ 1204.212 - What if I took relief for which I was ineligible?
§ 1204.213 - May I obtain relief for a property that benefits from other Federal or State incentive programs?
§ 1204.214 - Is minimum royalty due on a property for which I took relief?
§ 1204.215 - Are the information collection requirements in this subpart approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)?