Part 44 - Rules of Practice for Petitions for Modification of Mandatory Safety Standards  

Subpart A - General
§ 44.1 - Scope and construction.
§ 44.2 - Definitions.
§ 44.3 - Parties.
§ 44.4 - Standard of evaluation of petitions; effect of petitions granted.
§ 44.5 - Notice of a granted petition for modification.
§ 44.6 - Service.
§ 44.7 - Filing.
§ 44.8 - Ex parte communication.
§ 44.9 - Posting of petition.
Subpart B - Initial Procedure for Petitions for Modification
§ 44.10 - Filing of petition; service.
§ 44.11 - Contents of petition.
§ 44.12 - Procedure for public notice of petition received.
§ 44.13 - Proposed decision.
§ 44.14 - Request for hearing.
§ 44.15 - Referral to Chief Administrative Law Judge.
§ 44.16 - Application for temporary relief; relief to give effect to the proposed decision and order.
Subpart C - Hearings
§ 44.20 - Designation of administrative law judge.
§ 44.21 - Filing and form of documents.
§ 44.22 - Administrative law judges; powers and duties.
§ 44.23 - Prehearing conferences.
§ 44.24 - Discovery.
§ 44.25 - Depositions.
§ 44.26 - Subpoenas; witness fees.
§ 44.27 - Consent findings and rules or orders.
§ 44.28 - Notice of hearing.
§ 44.29 - Motions.
§ 44.30 - Hearing procedures.
§ 44.31 - Proposed findings of fact, conclusions, and orders.
§ 44.32 - Initial decision.
§ 44.33 - Departmental review.
§ 44.34 - Transmission of record.
§ 44.35 - Decision of the Assistant Secretary.
Subpart D - Summary Decisions
§ 44.40 - Motion for summary decision.
§ 44.41 - Summary decision.
Subpart E - Effect of Initial Decision
§ 44.50 - Effect of appeal on initial decision.
§ 44.51 - Finality for purposes of judicial review.
§ 44.52 - Revocation of modification.
§ 44.53 - Amended modification.