Part 301-51 - Paying Travel Expenses  

Subpart A - General
§ 301-51.1 - How must I use the Government contractor-issued travel charge card?
§ 301-51.2 - Are there any official travel expenses that are exempt from the mandatory use of the Government contractor-issued travel charge card?
§ 301-51.3 - What classes of employees are exempt from mandatory use of the Government contractor-issued travel charge card?
§ 301-51.4 - Who in my agency has the authority to grant exemptions from the mandatory use of the Government contractor-issued travel charge card?
§ 301-51.5 - If my agency grants an exemption, does that prevent me from using the card on a voluntary basis?
§ 301-51.6 - How may I pay for official travel expenses if I receive an exemption from use of the Government contractor-issued travel charge card?
§ 301-51.7 - For what purposes may I use the Government contractor-issued travel charge card while on official travel?
§ 301-51.8 - May I use the Government contractor-issued travel charge card for personal reasons while on official travel?
§ 301-51.9 - What are the consequences if I misuse the Government contractor-issued travel charge card on official travel?
Subpart B - Paying for Common Carrier Transportation
§ 301-51.100 - What method of payment must I use to procure common carrier transportation?
§ 301-51.101 - Which payment methods are considered the equivalent of cash?
§ 301-51.102 - How is my transportation reimbursement affected if I make an unauthorized cash purchase of common carrier transportation?
§ 301-51.103 - What is my liability if I lose a GTR?
Subpart C - Receiving Travel Advances
§ 301-51.200 - For what expenses may I receive a travel advance?
§ 301-51.201 - What is the maximum amount that my agency may advance?
§ 301-51.202 - When must I account for my advance?
§ 301-51.203 - What must I do about my advance if my trip is canceled or postponed indefinitely?