Part 301-72 - Agency Responsibilities Related to Common Carrier Transportation  

Subpart A - Procurement of Common Carrier Transportation
§ 301-72.1 - Why is common carrier presumed to be the most advantageous method of transportation?
§ 301-72.2 - May we utilize methods of transportation other than common carrier (e.g., POVs, chartered vehicles, etc.)?
§ 301-72.3 - What method of payment must we authorize for common carrier transportation?
Subpart B - Accounting for Common Carrier Transportation
§ 301-72.100 - What must my travel accounting system do in relation to common carrier transportation?
§ 301-72.101 - What information should we provide an employee before authorizing the use of common carrier transportation?
Subpart C - Cash Payments for Procuring Common Carrier Transportation Services
§ 301-72.200 - Under what conditions may we authorize cash payments for procuring common carrier transportation services?
§ 301-72.201 - What must we do if an employee uses cash in excess of the $100 limit to purchase common carrier transportation?
§ 301-72.202 - Who may approve cash payments in excess of the $100 limit?
§ 301-72.203 - When may we limit traveler reimbursement for a cash payment?
§ 301-72.204 - What must we do to minimize the need for a traveler to use cash to procure common carrier transportation services?
Subpart D - Unused, Partially Used, Exchanged, Canceled, or Oversold Common Carrier Transportation Services
§ 301-72.300 - What procedures must we establish to collect unused, partially used, and exchanged tickets?
§ 301-72.301 - How do we process unused, partially used, and exchanged tickets?