Part 301-73 - Travel Programs  

Subpart A - General Rules
§ 301-73.1 - What does the Federal travel management program include?
§ 301-73.2 - What are our responsibilities as participants in the Federal travel management program?
Subpart B - eTravel Service and Travel Management Service
§ 301-73.100 - Must we require employees to use the E-Gov Travel Service?
§ 301-73.101 - How must we prepare to implement ETS?
§ 301-73.102 - May we grant a traveler an exception from required use of TMS or ETS once we have fully deployed ETS within the agency?
§ 301-73.103 - What must we do when we approve an exception to the use of the E-Gov Travel Service?
§ 301-73.104 - May further exceptions to the required use of the E-Gov Travel Service be approved?
§ 301-73.105 - What are the consequences of an employee not using the E-Gov Travel Service or the TMS?
§ 301-73.106 - What are the basic services that should be covered by a TMS?
Subpart C - Contract Passenger Transportation Services
§ 301-73.200 - Must we require our employees to use GSA's contract passenger transportation services program?
§ 301-73.201 - What method of payment may be used for contract passenger transportation service?
§ 301-73.202 - Can contract fares be used for personal travel?
Subpart D - Travel Payment System
§ 301-73.300 - What is a travel payment system?
§ 301-73.301 - How do we obtain travel payment system services?