Part 592 - Rough Diamonds Control Regulations  

Subpart A - Relation of This Part to Other Laws and Regulations
§ 592.101 - Relation of this part to other laws and regulations.
Subpart B - Prohibitions
§ 592.201 - Prohibited importation and exportation of any rough diamond; permitted importation or exportation of any rough diamond.
§ 592.202 - Evasions; attempts; conspiracies.
Subpart C - General Definitions
§ 592.301 - Controlled through the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme.
§ 592.302 - Effective date.
§ 592.303 - Entity.
§ 592.304 - Exporting authority.
§ 592.305 - Importation into the United States.
§ 592.306 - Importing authority.
§ 592.307 - Kimberley Process Certificate.
§ 592.308 - Participant.
§ 592.309 - Person.
§ 592.310 - Rough diamond.
§ 592.311 - United States.
§ 592.312 - United States person; U.S. person.
§ 592.313 - Voided certificate.
§ 592.314 - Tamper-resistant container.
Subpart D - Interpretations
§ 592.401 - Reference to amended sections.
§ 592.402 - Effect of amendment.
§ 592.403 - Transshipment or transit through the United States.
§ 592.404 - Importation into or release from a bonded warehouse or foreign trade zone.
Subpart E - Records and Reports
§ 592.501 - Records and reports.
§ 592.502 - Annual reports by rough diamond importers and exporters.
Subpart F - Penalties
§ 592.601 - Penalties.
§ 592.602 - Pre-Penalty Notice; settlement.
§ 592.603 - Penalty imposition.
§ 592.604 - Administrative collection; referral to United States Department of Justice.
§ 592.605 - Finding of violation.
Subpart G - Procedures
§ 592.701 - Procedures.
§ 592.702 - Delegation by the Secretary of the Treasury.
Subpart H - Paperwork Reduction Act
§ 592.801 - Paperwork Reduction Act notice.