Part 8 - Practice Before the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms  

Subpart A - General Requirements
§ 8.1 - Scope.
§ 8.2 - Persons who may practice.
§ 8.3 - Conference and practice requirements.
§ 8.4 - Director of Practice.
§ 8.5 - Records.
§ 8.6 - Special orders.
Subpart B - Definitions
§ 8.11 - Meaning of terms.
Subpart C - Enrollment Procedures
§ 8.21 - Eligibility for enrollment.
§ 8.22 - Application for enrollment.
§ 8.23 - Denial of enrollment; appeal.
§ 8.24 - Enrollment cards.
§ 8.25 - Renewal of enrollment card.
§ 8.26 - Change in enrollment.
§ 8.27 - Enrollment registers.
§ 8.28 - Termination of enrollment.
§ 8.29 - Limited practice without enrollment.
Subpart D - Duties and Restrictions Relating to Practice
§ 8.31 - Furnishing of information.
§ 8.32 - Prompt disposition of pending matters.
§ 8.33 - Accuracy.
§ 8.34 - Knowledge of client's omission.
§ 8.35 - Assistance from disbarred or suspended persons and former Treasury employees.
§ 8.36 - Practice by partners of Government employees.
§ 8.37 - Practice by former Government employees.
§ 8.38 - Notaries.
§ 8.39 - Fees.
§ 8.40 - Conflicting interests.
§ 8.41 - Solicitation.
§ 8.42 - Practice of law.
Subpart E - Disciplinary Proceedings
§ 8.51 - Authority to disbar or suspend.
§ 8.52 - Disreputable conduct.
§ 8.53 - Initiation of disciplinary proceedings.
§ 8.54 - Conferences.
§ 8.55 - Contents of complaint.
§ 8.56 - Service of complaint and other papers.
§ 8.57 - Answer.
§ 8.58 - Supplemental charges.
§ 8.59 - Proof; variance; amendment of pleadings.
§ 8.60 - Motions and requests.
§ 8.61 - Representation.
§ 8.62 - Administrative Law Judge.
§ 8.63 - Hearings.
§ 8.64 - Evidence.
§ 8.65 - Depositions.
§ 8.66 - Transcript.
§ 8.67 - Proposed findings and conclusions.
§ 8.68 - Decision of Administrative Law Judge.
§ 8.69 - Appeal to the Secretary.
§ 8.70 - Decision of the Secretary.
§ 8.71 - Effect of disbarment or suspension.
§ 8.72 - Petition for reinstatement.