§ 31.70 - Purpose and scope of this part.  

Latest version.
  • (a) This section provides the process for the resolution of pre-award and post-award assistance agreement disputes as described in §31.71, except for:

    (1) Assistance agreement competition-related disputes; and

    (2) Any appeal process relating to an award official's determination that an entity is not qualified for award that may be developed pursuant to guidance implementing Section 872 of the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 (Pub. L. 110-417, as amended).

    (b) Pre-award and post-award disagreements between affected entities and EPA related to an assistance agreement should be resolved at the lowest level possible. If an agreement cannot be reached, absent any other applicable statutory or regulatory dispute provisions, affected entities must follow the dispute procedures outlined in this subpart.

    (c) Determinations affecting assistance agreements made under other Agency decision-making processes are not subject to review under the procedures in this Subpart or the Agency's procedures for resolving assistance agreement competition-related disputes. These determinations include, but are not limited to:

    (1) Decisions on requests for exceptions under §31.6;

    (2) Bid protest decisions under §31.36(b)(12);

    (3) National Environmental Policy Act decisions under part 6;

    (4) Policy decisions of the EPA Internal Audit Dispute Resolution Process (formerly known as Audit Resolution Board); and

    (5) Suspension and Debarment Decisions under 2 CFR parts 180 and 1532.