§ 105.3 - Definitions.  

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  • § 105.3 Definitions.

    Unless otherwise noted, these terms and their definitions are for the purpose of this part. Refer to 32 CFR 103.3 for terms not defined in this part.

    Accessions training. Training that a Service member receives upon initial entry into Military Service through basic military training.

    Case Management Group (CMG). A multi-disciplinary group that meets monthly to review individual cases of Unrestricted Reports of sexual assault. The group facilitates monthly victim updates and directs system coordination, accountability, and victim access to quality services. At a minimum, each group shall consist of the following additional military or civilian professionals who are involved and working on a specific case: SARC, SAPR VA, military criminal investigator, DoD law enforcement, healthcare provider and mental health and counseling services, chaplain, command legal representative or staff judge advocate (SJA), and victim's commander.

    Certification. Refers to the process by which the Department credentials SARCs and SAPR VAs, assesses the effectiveness of sexual assault advocacy capabilities using a competencies framework, and evaluates and performs oversight over SARC and SAPR VA training. The certification criteria is established by the Department in consultation with subject-matter experts.

    Collateral misconduct. Victim misconduct that might be in time, place, or circumstance associated with the victim's sexual assault incident. Collateral misconduct by the victim of a sexual assault is one of the most significant barriers to reporting assault because of the victim's fear of punishment. Some reported sexual assaults involve circumstances where the victim may have engaged in some form of misconduct (e.g., underage drinking or other related alcohol offenses, adultery, fraternization, or other violations of certain regulations or orders).

    Confidential communications. Defined in 32 CFR part 103.

    Consent. Defined in 32 CFR part 103.

    Credible information. Information that, considering the source and nature of the information and the totality of the circumstances, is sufficiently believable to presume that the fact or facts in question are true.

    Credible report. Either a written or verbal report made in support of an expedited transfer that is determined to have credible information.

    Crisis intervention. Defined in 32 CFR part 103.

    Culturally-competent care. Defined in 32 CFR part 103.

    Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database (DSAID). Defined in 32 CFR part 103.

    Designated activity. The agency that processes permanent change of station (PCS) or permanent change of assignment (PCA) for expedited transfers.

    (1) Air Force: Air Force Personnel Center.

    (2) Army: Human Resources Command for inter-installation transfers and the installation personnel center for intra-installation transfers.

    (3) Navy: Bureau of Naval Personnel.

    (4) U.S. Marine Corps: the order writing section of Headquarters Marine Corps.

    (5) Air and Army NG: the National Guard Bureau (NGB) or the Joint Forces Headquarters-State for the State involved.

    Emergency. Defined in 32 CFR part 103.

    Emergency care. Defined in 32 CFR part 103.

    Executive agent. The Head of a DoD Component to whom the Secretary of Defense or the Deputy Secretary of Defense has assigned specific responsibilities, functions, and authorities to provide defined levels of support for operational missions, or administrative or other designated activities that involve two or more of the DoD Components.

    Family Advocacy Program (FAP). A DoD program designated to address child abuse and domestic abuse in military families and child maltreatment in DoD-sanctioned activities in cooperation with civilian social service agencies and military and civilian law enforcement agencies. Prevention, advocacy, and intervention services are provided to individuals who are eligible for treatment in military medical treatment facilities.

    Final disposition. Actions taken to resolve the reported incident, document case outcome, and address the misconduct by the alleged perpetrator, as appropriate. It includes, but is not limited to, military justice proceedings, non-judicial punishment, or administrative actions, including separation actions taken in response to the offense, whichever is the most serious action taken.

    Gender-responsive care. Defined in 32 CFR part 103.

    Healthcare personnel. Persons assisting or otherwise supporting healthcare providers in providing healthcare services (e.g., administrative personnel assigned to a military MTF). Includes all healthcare providers.

    Healthcare provider. Those individuals who are employed or assigned as healthcare professionals, or are credentialed to provide healthcare services at a medical treatment facility (MTF), or who provide such care at a deployed location or otherwise in an official capacity. This also includes military personnel, DoD civilian employees, and DoD contractors who provide healthcare at an occupational health clinic for DoD civilian employees or DoD contractor personnel. Healthcare providers may include, but are not limited to:

    (1) Licensed physicians practicing in the military healthcare system (MHS) with clinical privileges in obstetrics and gynecology, emergency medicine, family practice, internal medicine, pediatrics, urology, general medical officer, undersea medical officer, flight surgeon, psychiatrists, or those having clinical privileges to perform pelvic examinations or treat mental health conditions.

    (2) Licensed advanced practice registered nurses practicing in the MHS with clinical privileges in adult health, family health, midwifery, women's health, mental health, or those having clinical privileges to perform pelvic examinations.

    (3) Licensed physician assistants practicing in the MHS with clinical privileges in adult, family, women's health, or those having clinical privileges to perform pelvic examinations.

    (4) Licensed registered nurses practicing in the MHS who meet the requirements for performing a SAFE as determined by the local privileging authority. This additional capability shall be noted as a competency, not as a credential or privilege.

    (5) A psychologist, social worker or psychotherapist licensed and privileged to provide mental health are or other counseling services in a DoD or DoD-sponsored facility.

    Hospital facilities (Level 3). Minimum operational functions required for a Level 3 hospital include: command, control, and communications; patient administration; nutritional care; supply and services; triage; emergency medical treatment; preoperative care; orthopedics; general surgery; operating rooms and central materiel and supply services; anesthesia, nursing services (to include intensive and intermediate care wards); pharmacy; clinical laboratory and blood banking; radiology services; and hospital ministry team services.

    Installation. A base, camp, post, station, yard, center, homeport facility for any ship, or other activity under the jurisdiction of the DoD, including any leased facility. It does not include any facility used primarily for civil works, rivers and harbors projects, flood control, or other projects not under the primary jurisdiction or control of the DoD in accordance with 4165.66-M, “Base Redevelopment and Realignment Manual, March 1, 2006.”.

    Installation commander. Commander of a base, camp, post, station, yard, center, homeport facility for any ship, or other activity under the jurisdiction of the DoD, including any leased facility. It does not include any facility used primarily for civil works, rivers and harbors projects, flood control, or other projects not under the primary jurisdiction or control of the DoD.

    Intimate partner. Defined in 32 CFR part 61.

    Law enforcement. Includes all DoD law enforcement units, security forces, and Military Criminal Investigative Organizations (MCIO).

    MCIOs. The U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command, Naval Criminal Investigative Service, and Air Force Office of Special Investigations.

    Medical care. Includes physical and psychological medical services.

    Military OneSource. A DoD-funded program providing comprehensive information on every aspect of military life at no cost to active duty, National Guard, and Reserve members, and their families. Military OneSource has a mandatory reporting requirement.

    Military Services. The term, as used in the SAPR Program, includes Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, Reserve Components, and their respective Military Academies.

    Non-identifiable information. Defined in 32 CFR part 103.

    Non-participating victim. Victim choosing not to participate in the military justice system.

    Official investigative process. Defined in 32 CFR part 103.

    Open with limited information. Entry in DSAID to be used in the following situations: Victim refused or declined services, victim opt-out of participating in investigative process, third-party reports, local jurisdiction refused to provide victim information, or civilian victim with military subject.

    Personal identifiable information. Defined in 32 CFR part 103.

    Qualifying conviction. Defined in 32 CFR part 103.

    Recovery-oriented care. Defined in 32 CFR part 103.

    Responders. Includes first responders, who are generally composed of personnel in the following disciplines or positions: SARCs, SAPR VAs, healthcare personnel, law enforcement, and MCIOs. Other responders are judge advocates, chaplains, and commanders, but they are usually not first responders.

    Respond, response, or response capability. All locations, including deployed areas, have a 24 hour, 7 day per week sexual assault response capability. The SARC shall be notified, respond or direct a SAPR VA to respond, assign a SAPR VA, and offer the victim healthcare treatment and a SAFE. In geographic locations where there is no SARC onsite, the on-call SAPR VA shall respond, offer the victim healthcare treatment and a SAFE, and immediately notify the SARC of the sexual assault. The initial response is generally composed of personnel in the following disciplines or positions: SARCs, SAPR VAs, healthcare personnel, law enforcement, and MCIOs. Other responders are judge advocates, chaplains, and commanders. When victims geographically detached from a military installation, the SARC or SAPR VA will refer to local civilian providers or the DoD Safe Helpline for resources.

    Restricted reporting. Reporting option that allows a service member to confidentially disclose the assault to specified individuals (i.e., SARC, SAPR VA, or healthcare personnel), and receive medical treatment, including emergency care, counseling, and assignment of a SARC and SAPR VA, without triggering an investigation or reporting the PII of the victim or alleged perpetrator unless an exception applies, as determined by the Department of Defense. For DoD installations located in state jurisdictions with mandatory reporting laws requiring disclosure of PII of a sexual military assault victim (or their adult dependent) or alleged offender, to federal, local or state law enforcement agencies, such disclosure is not required unless disclosure of PII is necessary to prevent or mitigate a serious and imminent threat as provided for in this part. Additional persons who may be entitled to Restricted Reporting are NG and Reserve members. DoD civilians and contractors, at this time, are only eligible to file an Unrestricted Report. Only a SARC, SAPR VA, or healthcare personnel may receive a Restricted Report, previously referred to as Confidential Reporting.

    Re-victimization. A pattern wherein the victim of abuse or crime has a statistically higher tendency to be victimized again, either shortly thereafter or much later in adulthood in the case of abuse as a child. This latter pattern is particularly notable in cases of sexual abuse.

    Safe Helpline. A crisis support service for members of the DoD community affected by sexual assault. The DoD Safe Helpline:

    (1) Is available 24/7 worldwide with “click, call, or text” user options for anonymous and confidential support.

    (2) Can be accessed by logging on to www.safehelpline.org or by calling 1-877-995-5247, and through the Safe Helpline mobile application.

    (3) Is to be utilized as the sole DoD hotline.

    (4) Does not replace local base and installation SARC or SAPR VA contact information.

    SAFE Kit. Defined in 32 CFR part 103.

    Safety assessment. A set of guidelines and considerations post-sexual assault that the responsible personnel designated by the Installation Commander can follow to determine if a sexual assault survivor is likely to be in imminent danger of physical or psychological harm as a result of being victimized by or reporting sexual assault(s). The guidelines and considerations consist of a sequence of questions, decisions, referrals, and actions that responders can enact to contribute to the safety of survivors during the first 72 hours of report, and during other events that can increase the lethality risk for survivors (e.g., arrests or command actions against the alleged perpetrators). Types of imminent danger may include non-lethal, lethal, or potentially lethal behaviors; the potential harm caused by the alleged perpetrator, family/friend(s)/acquaintance(s) of the alleged perpetrator, or the survivors themselves). The safety assessment includes questions about multiple environments, to include home and the workplace. Survivors are also assessed for their perception or experience of potential danger from their leadership or peers via reprisal or ostracism. The safety assessment contains a safety plan component that survivors can complete and take with them to help improve coping, social support, and resource access during their recovery period.

    SAPR Integrated Product Team (IPT). A team of individuals that advises the Under Secretary of Defense (USD) for Personnel and Readiness (P&R) and the Secretary of Defense on policies for sexual assault issues involving persons covered by this part. The SAPR IPT serves as the implementation and oversight arm of the SAPR Program. It coordinates policy and reviews the DoD's SAPR policies and programs consistent with this part and 32 CFR part 103 and monitors the progress of program elements. The SAPR IPT is chaired by the Director, SAPRO.

    SAPR Program. Defined in 32 CFR part 103.

    SAPR services. Services provided by a SARC and SAPR VA.

    SAPR VA. Defined in 32 CFR part 103.

    SAPRO. Defined in 32 CFR part 103.

    SARC. Defined in 32 CFR part 103.

    Secondary victimization. The re-traumatization of the sexual assault, abuse, or rape victim. It is an indirect result of assault that occurs through the responses of individuals and institutions to the victim. The types of secondary victimization include victim blaming, inappropriate behavior or language by medical personnel and by other organizations with access to the victim post assault.

    Service member. Defined in 32 CFR part 103.

    Sexual assault. Intentional sexual contact characterized by the use of force, threats, intimidation, or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent. As used in this part, the term includes a broad category of sexual offenses consisting of the following specific UCMJ offenses: rape, sexual assault, aggravated sexual contact, abusive sexual contact, forcible sodomy (forced oral or anal sex), or attempts to commit these offenses.

    Special Victim Investigation and Prosecution Capability. In accordance with Public Law 112-81, a distinct, recognizable group of appropriately skilled professionals, including MCIO investigators, judge advocates, victim witness assistance personnel, and administrative paralegal support personnel, who work collaboratively to:

    (1) Investigate and prosecute allegations of child abuse (involving sexual assault or aggravated assault with grievous bodily harm), domestic violence (involving sexual assault or aggravated assault with grievous bodily harm), and adult sexual assault (not involving domestic offenses).

    (2) Provide support for the victims of such offenses.

    Special Victims' Counsel (SVC). Attorneys who are assigned to provide legal assistance in accordance with section 1044e of title 10, U.S.C. and Service regulations. The Air Force, Army, NG, and Coast Guard refer to these attorneys as SVC. The Navy and Marine Corps refer to these attorneys as VLC.

    Trauma informed care. An approach to engage people with histories of trauma that recognizes the presence of trauma symptoms and acknowledges the role that trauma has played in their lives. Trauma-informed services are based on an understanding of the vulnerabilities or triggers of trauma survivors that traditional service delivery approaches may exacerbate, so these services and programs can be more supportive and avoid re-traumatization.

    Unrestricted reporting. Defined in 32 CFR part 103.

    Victim Witness Assistance Program (VWAP). Provides guidance in accordance with DoDI 1030.2 for assisting victims and witnesses of crime from initial contact through investigation, prosecution, and confinement. Particular attention is paid to victims of serious and violent crime, including child abuse, domestic violence and sexual misconduct.

    Victim. Defined in 32 CFR part 103.

    Victims' Legal Counsel (VLC). Attorneys who are assigned to provide legal assistance in accordance with section 1044e of title 10, U.S.C. and Service regulations. The Navy and Marine Corps refer to these attorneys as VLC. The Air Force, Army, NG, and Coast Guard refer to these attorneys as SVC.

    Work plan. Each WIPT is governed by a work plan that provides the WIPT's specific subject, chairs or co-chairs, participants, problem statement, key issues to address, issues outside the scope of the WIPT, timeline, deliverables, and expenses.

    [78 FR 21718, Apr. 11, 2013, as amended at 81 FR 66428, Sept. 27, 2016]