Part 518 - The Freedom of Information Act Program  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 518.1 - Purpose.
§ 518.2 - References.
§ 518.3 - Explanation of abbreviations and terms.
§ 518.4 - Responsibilities.
§ 518.5 - Authority.
§ 518.6 - Public information.
§ 518.7 - FOIA terms defined.
§ 518.8 - Freedom of Information requirements.
Purpose and Applicability
§ 518.24 - Creating a record.
§ 518.25 - Description of requested record.
§ 518.26 - Referrals.
§ 518.27 - Authentication.
§ 518.28 - Unified and specified commands.
§ 518.29 - Relationship between the FOIA and the Privacy Act (PA).
§ 518.30 - Records management.
DoD Public Information
Subpart B - FOIA Reading Rooms
§ 518.9 - Reading room.
§ 518.10 - “(a)(2)” materials.
§ 518.11 - Other materials.
§ 518.33 - “(a)(2)” materials.
§ 518.34 - Other materials.
§ 518.31 - Reading room.
§ 518.32 - Material availability.
Subpart C - Exemptions
§ 518.12 - General.
§ 518.13 - FOIA exemptions.
§ 518.37 - FOIA exemptions.
General Provisions
§ 518.35 - General.
§ 518.36 - Jeopardy of government interest.
Subpart D - For Official Use Only
§ 518.14 - General.
Safeguarding FOUO Information
§ 518.48 - During duty hours.
§ 518.49 - During nonduty hours.
General Provisions
§ 518.38 - General.
§ 518.39 - Prior FOUO application.
§ 518.40 - Historical papers.
§ 518.41 - Time to mark records.
§ 518.42 - Distribution statement.
§ 518.43 - Location of markings.
Dissemination and Transmission
§ 518.44 - Release and transmission procedures.
§ 518.45 - Transporting FOUO information.
§ 518.46 - Electrically transmitted messages.
§ 518.47 - Telephone usage.
Termination, Disposal and Unauthorized Disclosures
§ 518.50 - Termination.
§ 518.51 - Disposal.
§ 518.52 - Unauthorized disclosure.
Subpart E - Release and Processing Procedures
§ 518.15 - General provisions.
§ 518.16 - Initial determinations.
§ 518.17 - Appeals.
§ 518.18 - Judicial actions.
Judicial Actions
§ 518.75 - General.
§ 518.76 - Jurisdiction.
§ 518.77 - Burden of proof.
§ 518.78 - Action by the court.
§ 518.79 - Non-United States Government source information.
§ 518.80 - Litigation status sheet.
§ 518.69 - General.
§ 518.70 - Time of receipt.
§ 518.71 - Time limits.
§ 518.72 - Delay in responding to an appeal.
§ 518.73 - Response to the requester.
§ 518.74 - Consultation.
Initial Determinations
§ 518.58 - Initial denial authority.
§ 518.59 - Reasons for not releasing a record.
§ 518.60 - Denial tests.
§ 518.61 - Reasonably segregable portions.
§ 518.62 - Response to requester.
§ 518.63 - Extension of time.
§ 518.64 - Misdirected requests.
§ 518.65 - Records of non-U.S. Government source.
§ 518.66 - File of initial denials.
§ 518.67 - Special mail services.
§ 518.68 - Receipt accounts.
General Provisions
§ 518.53 - Public information.
§ 518.54 - Requests from private parties.
§ 518.55 - Requests from Government officials.
§ 518.56 - Privileged release to officials.
§ 518.57 - Required coordination.
Subpart F - Fee Schedule
§ 518.19 - General provisions.
§ 518.20 - Collection of fees and fee rates.
§ 518.21 - Collection of fees and fee rates for technical data.
Collection of Fees and Fee Rates
§ 518.89 - Collection of fees.
§ 518.90 - Search time.
§ 518.91 - Duplication.
§ 518.92 - Review time (in the case of commercial requesters).
§ 518.93 - Audiovisual documentary materials.
§ 518.94 - Other records.
§ 518.95 - Costs for special services.
General Provisions
§ 518.81 - Authorities.
§ 518.82 - Application.
§ 518.83 - Fee restrictions.
§ 518.84 - Fee waivers.
§ 518.85 - Fee assessment.
§ 518.86 - Aggregating requests.
§ 518.87 - Effect of the Debt Collection Act of 1982 (Pub. L. 97-365).
§ 518.88 - Computation of fees.
Collection of Fees and Fee Rates for Technical Data
§ 518.96 - Fees for technical data.
Subpart G - Reports
§ 518.22 - Reports control.
§ 518.23 - Annual report content.
Reports Control
§ 518.97 - General.
Annual Report
§ 518.98 - Reporting time.
§ 518.99 - Annual report content.
Subpart H - Education and Training
Responsibility and Purpose
§ 518.100 - Responsibility.
§ 518.101 - Purpose.
§ 518.102 - Scope and principles.
§ 518.103 - Implementation.
§ 518.104 - Uniformity of legal interpretation.
Appendix B - Addressing FOIA Requests
Appendix C - Litigation Status Sheet
Appendix D - Other Reason Categories
Appendix E - DoD Freedom of Information Act Program Components
Appendix G - Internal Control Review Checklist
Appendix C to Part 518 - Litigation Status Sheet
Appendix D to Part 518 - Other Reason Categories
Appendix E to Part 518 - DoD Freedom of Information Act Program Components
Appendix F to Part 518 - DD Form 2564, Annual Report - Freedom of Information Act
Appendix G to Part 518 - Internal Control Review Checklist
Appendix A to Part 518 - References
Appendix B to Part 518 - Addressing FOIA Requests