§ 165.944 - Regulated Navigation Area; Straits of Mackinac.  

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  • § 165.944 Regulated Navigation Area; Straits of Mackinac.

    (a) Location. All navigable waters of the Straits of Mackinac bounded by longitudes 084°20′ W and 085°10′ W and latitudes 045°39′ N and 045°54′ N (NAD 83), including Grays Reef Passage, the South Channel between Bois Blanc Island and Cheboygan, MI, and the waters between Mackinac Island and St. Ignace, MI.

    (b) Applicability. Unless otherwise stated, the provisions of this regulated navigation area (RNA) apply to the following vessels:

    (1) Vessels of 40 meters (approx. 131 feet) or more in length, while navigating;

    (2) Towing vessels of 20 meters (approx. 65 feet) or more in length, while engaged in towing another vessel astern, alongside or by pushing ahead; or

    (3) Vessels certificated to carry 50 or more passengers for hire, when engaged in trade; or

    (4) Each dredge or floating plant.

    (c) Regulations. The general regulations contained in §§ 165.10, 165.11, and 165.13 apply within this RNA.

    (1) Nothing in this regulation relieves any vessel, owner, operator, charterer, master, or person directing the movement of a vessel, from the consequences of any neglect to comply with this part or any other applicable law or regulation (i.e. the International Regulations for Prevention of Collisions at Sea, 1972 (72 COLREGS) or the Inland Navigation Rules) or of the neglect of any precaution which may be required by the ordinary practice of seamen, or by the special circumstances of the case.

    (2) Vessels transiting through the RNA must comply with all directions given to them by the COTP, or a designated representative. The “designated representative” of the COTP is any Coast Guard commissioned, warrant or petty officer who is designated by the COTP to act on their behalf. The designated representative may be on a Coast Guard vessel; or other designated craft; or on shore and communicating via VHF–16 or telephone, 906–635–3319.

    (3) Vessels transiting through the RNA must make a direct passage. No vessel may anchor or loiter within the RNA at any time without the expressed permission of the COTP or a designated representative.

    (4) Vessels are prohibited from anchoring in any charted submerged cable and/or pipeline areas; except when expressly permitted by the COTP. Vessels desiring to anchor within the confines of the RNA, but outside a charted submerged cable and/or pipeline area, must contact the COTP or a designated representative one (1) hour in advance of anchoring via VHF–16 or telephone 906–635–3319. The person directing the movement of the vessel desiring to anchor shall provide the time, purpose and location for the proposed anchoring. Vessels who receive permission to anchor, shall notify the COTP or a designated representative no less than 15 minutes prior to getting underway via VHF–16 or telephone 906–635–3319.

    (5) In an emergency, any vessel may deviate from this regulation to the extent necessary to avoid endangering the safety of persons, the environment, and/or property. If deviation from the regulation is necessary, the master or his designee shall inform the Coast Guard as soon as it is practicable to do so.

    (6) The owner, operator, charterer, master or person directing the movement of a vessel desiring to anchor within the prescribed RNA for the purposes of work, dredging, or survey must receive permission from the COTP or a designated representative a minimum of 72 hours in advance of the desired activity. Vessels engaged in activities, such as tourism, ferrying, or sightseeing, which require anchoring, within the RNA boundaries, but not within charted submerged cables and/or pipelines areas, may request a waiver from the COTP.

    (7) In the RNA, the District Commander or COTP may establish temporary traffic rules for reasons that include but are not limited to channel obstructions, winter navigation, unusual weather conditions, or unusual water levels.

    (8) There may be times that the Ninth District Commander or the COTP finds it necessary to close the RNA to vessel traffic. During times of limited closure, persons and vessels may request permission to enter the RNA by contacting the COTP or a designated representative via VHF–16 or telephone 906–635–3319.

    (d) Definitions. As used in this RNA:

    (1) Captain of the Port means the United States Coast Guard Captain of the Port (COTP) of Sault Sainte MarieNorthern Great Lakes, Michigan.

    (2) Straits of Mackinac means the navigable waters of the Great Lakes connecting Lake Huron to Lake Michigan passing between the upper and lower peninsulas of Michigan.

    (3) Loiter means to linger aimlessly in or about a place making purposeless stops in the course of a trip, journey, or errand. Loitering does not include brief stops for sight-seeing, ferry, or tourism purposes.

    (e) Notification. The Coast Guard will rely on the methods described in § 165.7 to notify the public of the time and duration of any closure of the RNA. Reports of violations of this RNA should go to COTP Sault Sainte Marie Northern Great Lakes at 906–635–3319 or on VHF-Channel 16.

    (f) Waiver. For any vessel, the COTP or a designated representative may waive any of the requirements of this section, upon finding that circumstances are such that application of this section is unnecessary or impractical for the purposes of safety or environmental safety.

    [USCG–2018–0563, 83 FR 49283, Oct. 1, 2018, as amended by USCG–2023–0970, 88 FR 88251, Dec. 21, 2023]