Part 169 - Ship Reporting Systems

Subpart A - General
§ 169.1 - What is the purpose of this part?
§ 169.5 - How are terms used in this part defined?
§ 169.10 - What geographic coordinates are used?
§ 169.15 - Incorporation by reference: Where can I get a copy of the publications mentioned in this part?
Subpart B - Establishment of Two Mandatory Ship Reporting Systems for the Protection of Northern Right Whales
§ 169.100 - What mandatory ship reporting systems are established by this subpart?
§ 169.102 - Who is the shore-based authority?
§ 169.105 - Where is the northeastern reporting system located?
§ 169.110 - When is the northeastern reporting system in effect?
§ 169.115 - Where is the southeastern reporting system located?
§ 169.120 - When is the southeastern reporting system in effect?
§ 169.125 - What classes of ships are required to make reports?
§ 169.130 - When are ships required to make reports?
§ 169.135 - How must the reports be made?
§ 169.140 - What information must be included in the report?
Subpart C - Transmission of Long Range Identification and Tracking Information
§ 169.200 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 169.205 - What types of ships are required to transmit LRIT information (position reports)?
§ 169.210 - Where during its international voyage must a ship transmit position reports?
§ 169.215 - How must a ship transmit position reports?
§ 169.220 - When must a ship be fitted with LRIT equipment?
§ 169.225 - Which Application Service Providers may a ship use?
§ 169.230 - How often must a ship transmit position reports?
§ 169.235 - What exemptions are there from reporting?
§ 169.240 - When may LRIT equipment be switched off?
§ 169.245 - What must a ship master do if LRIT equipment is switched off or fails to operate?