§ 668.50 - Severability.  

Latest version.
  • § 668.50 Institutional disclosures for distance or correspondence programs.

    (a) General. In addition to the other institutional disclosure requirements established in this and other subparts, an institution described under 34 CFR 600.9(a)(1) or (b) that offers an educational program that is provided, or can be completed solely through distance education or correspondence courses, excluding internships and practicums, must provide the information described in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section to enrolled and prospective students in that program.

    (b) Public disclosures. An institution described under 34 CFR 600.9(a)(1) that offers an educational program that is provided, or can be completed solely through distance education or correspondence courses, excluding internships and practicums, must make available the following information to enrolled and prospective students of such program, the form and content of which the Secretary may determine:


    (i) Whether the institution is authorized by each State in which enrolled students reside to provide the program;

    (ii) Whether the institution is authorized through a State authorization reciprocity agreement, as defined in 34 CFR 600.2, to provide the program; and

    (iii) An explanation of the consequences, including ineligibility for title IV, HEA funds, for a student who changes his or her State of residence to a State where the institution does not meet State requirements or, in the case of a GE program, as defined under § 668.402, where the program does not meet licensure or certification requirements in the State;


    (i) If the institution is required to provide a disclosure under paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, a description of the process for submitting complaints, including contact information for the receipt of consumer complaints at the appropriate State authorities in the State in which the institution's main campus is located, as required under § 668.43(b); and

    (ii) If the institution is required to provide a disclosure under paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section, and that agreement establishes a complaint process as described in 34 CFR 600.9(c)(2)(ii), a description of the process for submitting complaints that was established in the reciprocity agreement, including contact information for receipt of consumer complaints at the appropriate State authorities;

    (3) A description of the process for submitting consumer complaints in each State in which the program's enrolled students reside, including contact information for receipt of consumer complaints at the appropriate State authorities;

    (4) Any adverse actions a State entity has initiated, and the years in which such actions were initiated, related to postsecondary education programs offered solely through distance education or correspondence courses at the institution for the five calendar years prior to the year in which the disclosure is made;

    (5) Any adverse actions an accrediting agency has initiated, and the years in which such actions were initiated, related to postsecondary education programs offered solely through distance education or correspondence courses at the institution for the five calendar years prior to the year in which the disclosure is made;

    (6) Refund policies with which the institution is required to comply by any State in which enrolled students reside for the return of unearned tuition and fees; and


    (i) The applicable educational prerequisites for professional licensure or certification for the occupation for which the program prepares students to enter in -

    (A) Each State in which the program's enrolled students reside; and

    (B) Any other State for which the institution has made a determination regarding such prerequisites;

    (ii) If the institution makes a determination with respect to certification or licensure prerequisites in a State, whether the program does or does not satisfy the applicable educational prerequisites for professional licensure or certification in that State; and

    (iii) For any State as to which the institution has not made a determination with respect to the licensure or certification prerequisites, a statement to that effect.

    (c) Individualized disclosures.

    (1) An institution described under 34 CFR 600.9(a)(1) or (b) that offers an educational program that is provided, or can be completed solely through distance education or correspondence courses, excluding internships or practicums, must disclose directly and individually -

    (i) Prior to each prospective student's enrollment, any determination by the institution that the program does not meet licensure or certification prerequisites in the State of the student's residence; and

    (ii) To each enrolled and prospective student -

    (A) Any adverse action initiated by a State or an accrediting agency related to postsecondary education programs offered by the institution solely through distance education or correspondence study within 30 days of the institution's becoming aware of such action; or

    (B) Any determination by the institution that the program ceases to meet licensure or certification prerequisites of a State within 14 calendar days of that determination.

    (2) For a prospective student who received a disclosure under paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section and who subsequently enrolls in the program, the institution must receive acknowledgment from that student that the student received the disclosure and be able to demonstrate that it received the student's acknowledgment.

    [81 FR 92262, Dec. 19, 2016]


    If any provision of this subpart or its application to any person, act, or practice is held invalid, the remainder of the subpart or the application of its provisions to any person, act, or practice shall not be affected thereby.

    [84 FR 58933, Nov. 1, 2019]