§ 350.211 - What must a State include for the first year of the CVSP?  

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  • § 350.211 What is the format of the certification required by § 350.209?

    The State's certification must be consistent with the following content: I (name), (title), on behalf of the State (or Commonwealth) of (State), as requested by the Administrator as a condition of approval of a grant under the authority of 49 U.S.C. 31102, as amended, do hereby certify as follows:

    (a) The State has adopted commercial motor carrier and highway hazardous materials safety regulations, standards and orders that are compatible with the FMCSRs and the HMRs, and the standards and orders of the Federal Government.

    (b) The State has designated (name of Lead State Agency) as the Lead State Agency to administer the Commercial Vehicle Safety Plan throughout the State for the grant sought and (names of agencies) to perform defined functions under the CVSP. The Lead State Agency has the legal authority, resources, and qualified personnel necessary to enforce the State's commercial motor carrier, driver, and highway hazardous materials safety laws, regulations, standards, and orders.

    (c) The State will obligate the funds or resources necessary to provide a matching share to the Federal assistance provided in the grant to administer the Plan submitted and to enforce the State's commercial motor carrier safety, driver, and hazardous materials laws, regulations, standards, and orders in a manner consistent with the approved Plan.

    (d) The laws of the State provide the State's enforcement officials right of entry (or other method a State may use that is adequate to obtain the necessary information) and inspection sufficient to carry out the purposes of the CVSP, as approved, and provide that the State will grant maximum reciprocity for inspections conducted pursuant to the North American Standard Inspection procedure, through the use of a nationally accepted system allowing ready identification of previously inspected CMVs.

    (e) The State requires that all reports relating to the program be submitted to the appropriate State agency or agencies, and the State will make these reports available, in a timely manner, to the FMCSA on request.

    (f) The State has uniform reporting requirements and uses FMCSA-designated forms for record keeping, inspection, investigations, and other enforcement activities.

    (g) The State has in effect a requirement that all registrants of CMVs demonstrate their knowledge of the applicable Federal or State CMV safety laws or regulations.

    (h) The State must ensure that the total expenditure of amounts of the Lead State Agency will be maintained at a level of effort each fiscal year in accordance with 49 CFR 350.301.

    (i) The State will ensure that MCSAP-funded enforcement of activities under 49 CFR 350.309 will not diminish the effectiveness of the development and implementation of the programs to improve motor carrier, CMV, and driver safety.

    (j) The State will ensure that CMV size and weight enforcement activities funded with MCSAP funds will not diminish the effectiveness of other CMV safety enforcement programs.

    (k) The State will ensure that violation sanctions imposed and collected by the State are consistent, effective, and reasonable.

    (l) The State will:

    (1) Establish and dedicate sufficient resources to a program to provide FMCSA with accurate, complete, and timely reporting of motor carrier safety information that includes documenting the effects of the State's CMV safety programs;

    (2) Participate in a national motor carrier safety data correction program (DataQs);

    (3) Participate in appropriate FMCSA systems including information technology and data systems and other information systems; and

    (4) Ensure information is exchanged in a timely manner with other States.

    (m) The State will ensure that the Plan, data collection, and information data systems are coordinated with the State highway safety improvement program under sec. 148(c) of title 23, U.S. Code. The name of the Governor's highway safety representative (or other authorized State official through whom coordination was accomplished) is ______. (Name)

    (n) The State has undertaken efforts to emphasize and improve enforcement of State and local traffic laws and regulations as they pertain to CMV safety.

    (o) The State will ensure that it has departmental policies stipulating that roadside inspections will be conducted at locations that are adequate to protect the safety of drivers and enforcement personnel.

    (p) The State will ensure that MCSAP-funded personnel, including sub-grantees, meet the minimum Federal standards set forth in 49 CFR part 385, subpart C, for training and experience of employees performing safety audits, compliance reviews, or driver/vehicle roadside inspection.

    (q) The State will enforce registration (i.e., operating authority) requirements under 49 U.S.C 13902, 31134, and 49 CFR 392.9a by prohibiting the operation of any vehicle discovered to be operating without the required registration or beyond the scope of the motor carrier's registration.

    (r) The State will

    must a State include for the first year of the CVSP?

    (a) General.

    (1) For the first year of the CVSP, the Lead State Agency must submit a CVSP that complies with the MCSAP application announcement and, at a minimum, provides a performance-based program with a general overview section that includes:

    (i) A statement of the Lead State Agency's goal or mission; and

    (ii) A program summary of the effectiveness of prior activities in reducing CMV crashes, injuries, and fatalities and in improving driver and motor carrier safety performance.

    (2) The program summary must identify and address safety or performance problems in the State.

    (3) The program summary must use 12-month data periods that are consistent from year to year. This may be a calendar year, fiscal year, or any 12-month period for which the State's data is current.

    (4) The program summary must show trends supported by safety and program performance data collected over several years.

    (b) National MCSAP elements.

    (1) For the first year of the CVSP, the Lead State Agency must include a brief narrative describing how the State CVSP addresses the national program elements listed in § 350.203.

    (2) The CVSP must address each national program element even if there are no planned activities in a program area.

    (c) Resource allocation. For the first year of the CVSP, the Lead State Agency must explain the rationale for the State's resource allocation decisions.

    (s) The State will include, in the training manual for the licensing examination to drive a non-CMV and the training manual for the licensing examination to drive a CMV, information on best practices for safe driving in the vicinity of noncommercial and commercial motor vehicles.

    (t) The State will conduct comprehensive and highly visible traffic enforcement and CMV safety inspection programs in high-risk locations and corridors.

    (u) The State will ensure that, except in the case of an imminent or obvious safety hazard, an inspection of a vehicle transporting passengers for a motor carrier of passengers is conducted at a bus station, terminal, border crossing, maintenance facility, destination, or other location where motor carriers may make planned stops (excluding a weigh station).

    (v) The State will transmit to roadside inspectors the notice of each Federal exemption under 49 U.S.C. 31315(b) and 49 CFR 390.23 and 390.25 as provided to the State by FMCSA, including the name of the entity granted the exemption and any terms and conditions that apply to the exemption.

    (w) Except for a territory of the United States, the State will conduct safety audits of interstate and, at the State's discretion, intrastate new entrant motor carriers under 49 U.S.C. 31144(g). The State will verify the quality of the work conducted by a third party authorized to conduct safety audits under 49 U.S.C. 31144(g) on its behalf and the State remains solely responsible for the management and oversight of the activities.

    (x) The State fully participates in the performance and registration information systems management under 49 U.S.C. 31106(b) not later than October 1, 2020, or demonstrates to FMCSA an alternative approach for identifying and immobilizing a motor carrier with serious safety deficiencies in a manner that provides an equivalent level of safety.

    (y) In the case of a State that shares a land border with another country, the State will conduct a border CMV safety program focusing on international commerce that includes enforcement and related projects or it will forfeit all MCSAP funds based on border-related activities.

    (z) If a State meets all MCSAP requirements and funds operation and maintenance costs associated with innovative technology deployment with MCSAP funds, the State agrees to comply with the Innovative Technology Deployment requirements established pursuant to 49 CFR 350.310 and 350.311.



    [81 FR 71012, Oct. 14, 2016]

    (d) Specific activities. For the first year of the CVSP, the Lead State Agency must have a narrative section that includes a description of how the CVSP supports:

    (1) Activities aimed at removing impaired CMV drivers from the highways through adequate enforcement of restrictions on the use of alcohol and controlled substances and by ensuring ready roadside access to alcohol detection and measuring equipment;

    (2) Activities aimed at providing an appropriate level of training to MCSAP personnel to recognize drivers impaired by alcohol or controlled substances;

    (3) Criminal interdiction activities and appropriate strategies for carrying out those interdiction activities, including human trafficking, and interdiction activities affecting the transportation of controlled substances by any occupant of a CMV; and

    (4) Activities to enforce registration requirements and to cooperate in the enforcement of financial responsibility requirements under

    49 U.S.C. 13906, 31138, 31139, and 49 CFR part 387.

    (e) Performance objectives. For the first year of the CVSP, the Lead State Agency must include performance objectives, strategies, and activities stated in quantifiable terms, that are to be achieved through the CVSP.

    (f) Monitoring. For the first year of the CVSP, the Lead State Agency must include a description of the State's method for ongoing monitoring of the progress of the CVSP.

    (g) Budget. For the first year of the CVSP, the Lead State Agency must include a budget for that year that describes the expenditures for allocable costs, such as personnel and related costs, equipment purchases, printing, information systems costs, and other eligible costs consistent with § 350.229.

    (h) List of MCSAP contacts. For the first year of the CVSP, the Lead State Agency must include a list of MCSAP contacts.

    (i) Certification.

    (1) For the first year of the CVSP, the Lead State Agency must certify that it has:

    (i) Met all the MCSAP conditions in § 350.207; and

    (ii) Completed the annual review required by § 350.303 and determined that State laws, regulations, standards, and orders on CMV safety are compatible (as defined in § 350.105 of this part).

    (2) If a State law, regulation, standard, or order on CMV safety is no longer compatible, the certifying official must explain the State's plan to address the discrepancy.

    (3) A certification under this paragraph must reflect that the certifying official has authority to make the certification on behalf of the State.

    (j) New or amended laws. For the first year of the CVSP, the Lead State Agency must submit to FMCSA a copy of any new or amended law, regulation, standard, or order on CMV safety that was enacted by the State since the prior year's submission.

    (k) Further submissions. For the first year of the CVSP, the Lead State Agency must also submit other information required, as described in the MCSAP application announcement for that fiscal year.