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Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
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Title 43 - Public Lands: Interior |
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Subtitle B - Regulations Relating to Public Lands |
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Chapter II - Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior |
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SubChapter C - Minerals Management (3000) |
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Part 3500 - Leasing of Solid Minerals Other Than Coal and Oil Shale |
Subpart 3501 - Leasing of Solid Minerals Other Than Coal and Oil Shale - General |
§ 3501.1 - What is the authority for this part? |
§ 3501.2 - What is the scope of this part? |
§ 3501.5 - What terms do I need to know to understand this part? |
§ 3501.10 - What types of mineral use authorizations can I get under these rules? |
§ 3501.16 - Does my permit or lease grant me an exclusive right to develop the lands covered by the permit or lease? |
§ 3501.17 - Are there any general planning or environmental considerations that affect issuance of my permit or lease? |
§ 3501.20 - If BLM approves my application for a use authorization under this part, when does it become effective? |
§ 3501.30 - May I appeal BLM's decisions under this part? |
Subpart 3502 - Qualification Requirements |
How to Show Lease Qualifications |
§ 3502.25 - Where do I file evidence that I am qualified to hold a permit or lease? |
§ 3502.26 - May I supplement or update my qualifications statement? |
§ 3502.27 - If I am an individual, what information must I give BLM in my qualifications statement? |
§ 3502.28 - If I am an association or a partnership, what information must I give BLM in my qualifications statement? |
§ 3502.29 - If I am a guardian or trustee for a trust holding on behalf of a beneficiary, what information must I give BLM in my qualifications statement? |
§ 3502.30 - If I am a corporation, what information must I give BLM in my qualifications statement? |
Special Situations and Additional Concerns |
§ 3502.33 - If I represent an applicant as an attorney-in-fact, do I have to submit anything to BLM? |
§ 3502.34 - What must I submit if there are other parties in interest? |
§ 3502.40 - What happens if an applicant or successful bidder for a permit or lease dies before the permit or lease is issued? |
§ 3502.41 - What happens to a permit or lease if the permittee or lessee dies? |
§ 3502.42 - What happens if the heir is not qualified? |
Lease Qualifications |
§ 3502.10 - Who may hold permits and leases? |
§ 3502.13 - May foreign citizens hold permits or leases? |
§ 3502.15 - Are there any additional restrictions on holding leases or interests in leases? |
§ 3502.20 - Will BLM issue a lease to me if I am not complying with the diligence requirements of the Mineral Leasing Act? |
Subpart 3503 - Areas Available for Leasing |
Available Areas Managed by Others |
§ 3503.20 - What if another Federal agency manages the lands I am interested in? |
§ 3503.21 - What happens if the surface of the land I am interested in belongs to a non-Federal political subdivision or charitable organization? |
§ 3503.25 - When may BLM issue permits and leases for Federal minerals underlying private surface? |
§ 3503.28 - Does BLM incorporate any special requirements to protect the lands and resources? |
Acreage Amounts |
§ 3503.36 - Are there any size or shape limitations on the lands I can apply for? |
§ 3503.37 - Is there a limit to the acreage of lands I can hold under permits and leases? |
§ 3503.38 - How does BLM compute my acreage holdings? |
Filing Applications |
§ 3503.40 - Where do I file my permit or lease application and other necessary documents? |
§ 3503.41 - Will BLM disclose information I submit under these regulations? |
§ 3503.42 - When I submit confidential, proprietary information, how can I help ensure it is not available to the public? |
§ 3503.43 - How long will information I give BLM remain confidential or proprietary? |
§ 3503.44 - How will BLM treat Indian information submitted under the Indian Mineral Development Act? |
§ 3503.45 - How will BLM administer information concerning other Indian minerals? |
§ 3503.46 - When will BLM consult with Indian mineral owners when information concerning their minerals is the subject of a FOIA request? |
Available Areas Under BLM Management |
§ 3503.10 - Are all Federal lands available for leasing under this part? |
§ 3503.11 - Are there any other areas in which I cannot get a permit or lease for the minerals covered by this part? |
§ 3503.12 - For what areas may I receive a sulphur permit or lease? |
§ 3503.13 - For what areas may I receive a hardrock mineral permit or lease? |
§ 3503.14 - For what areas may I get a permit or lease for asphalt? |
§ 3503.15 - May I lease the gold or silver reserved to the United States on land I hold under a private land claim in New Mexico? |
§ 3503.16 - May I obtain permits or leases for sand and gravel in Nevada under the terms of this part? |
Land Descriptions |
§ 3503.30 - How should I describe surveyed lands or lands shown on protraction or amended protraction diagrams in states which are part of the Public Land Survey System? |
§ 3503.31 - How should I describe lands in states which are part of the Public Land Survey System but have not been surveyed and are not shown on a protraction or amended protraction diagram? |
§ 3503.32 - How should I describe acquired lands? |
§ 3503.33 - Will BLM issue me a lease for unsurveyed lands? |
Subpart 3504 - Fees, Rental, Royalty and Bonds |
General Information |
§ 3504.10 - What fees must I pay? |
§ 3504.11 - What forms of payment will BLM and MMS accept? |
§ 3504.12 - What payments do I submit to BLM and what payments do I submit to MMS? |
Rentals |
§ 3504.15 - How does BLM determine my rent? |
§ 3504.16 - When is my rental due after the first year of the lease? |
§ 3504.17 - What happens if I do not pay my rental on time? |
Bonding |
§ 3504.50 - Do I have to file a bond to receive a permit or lease? |
§ 3504.51 - How do I file my bond? |
§ 3504.55 - What types of bonds are acceptable? |
§ 3504.56 - If I have more than one permit or lease, may I combine bond coverage? |
§ 3504.60 - Under what circumstances might BLM elect to change the amount of my bond? |
§ 3504.65 - What happens to my bond if I do not meet my permit or lease obligations? |
§ 3504.66 - Must I restore my bond to the full amount if payment has been made from my bond? |
§ 3504.70 - When will BLM terminate the period of liability of my bond? |
§ 3504.71 - When will BLM release my bond? |
Royalties |
§ 3504.20 - What are the requirements for paying royalties on production? |
§ 3504.21 - What are the minimum royalty rates? |
§ 3504.22 - How will I know what the royalty rate is on my lease production? |
§ 3504.25 - Do I have to produce a certain amount per year? |
§ 3504.26 - May I create overriding royalties on my Federal lease? |
Subpart 3505 - Prospecting Permits |
§ 3505.10 - What is a prospecting permit? |
§ 3505.11 - Do I need a prospecting permit to collect mineral specimens for non-commercial purposes? |
Applying for Prospecting Permits |
§ 3505.12 - How do I obtain a prospecting permit? |
§ 3505.13 - What must my application include? |
§ 3505.15 - Is there an acreage limit for my application? |
§ 3505.25 - How does BLM prioritize applications for prospecting permits? |
§ 3505.30 - May I amend or change my application after I file it? |
§ 3505.31 - May I withdraw my application after I file it? |
§ 3505.40 - After submitting my application, do I need to submit anything else? |
§ 3505.45 - What is an exploration plan? |
§ 3505.50 - How will I know if BLM has approved or rejected my application? |
§ 3505.51 - May I file a revised application if BLM rejects my original application? |
Prospecting Permit Terms and Conditions |
§ 3505.55 - What are my obligations to BLM under an approved prospecting permit? |
§ 3505.60 - How long is my prospecting permit in effect? |
§ 3505.61 - May BLM extend the term of my prospecting permit? |
§ 3505.62 - Under what conditions will BLM extend my prospecting permit? |
§ 3505.64 - How do I apply for an extension? |
§ 3505.65 - What information must I include in my extension request? |
§ 3505.66 - If approved, when is my extension effective? |
§ 3505.70 - May I relinquish my prospecting permit? |
§ 3505.75 - What happens if I fail to pay the rental? |
§ 3505.80 - What happens when my permit expires? |
§ 3505.85 - May BLM cancel my prospecting permit for reasons other than failure to pay rental? |
Subpart 3506 - Exploration Licenses |
Terms; Modifications |
§ 3506.20 - After my license is issued, may I modify my license or exploration plan? |
§ 3506.25 - Once I have a license, what are my responsibilities? |
Applying for and Obtaining Exploration Licenses |
§ 3506.11 - What must I do to obtain an exploration license? |
§ 3506.12 - Who prepares and publishes the notice of exploration? |
§ 3506.13 - What information must I provide to BLM to include in the notice of exploration? |
§ 3506.14 - May others participate in the exploration program? |
§ 3506.15 - What will BLM do in response to my exploration license application? |
General Information |
§ 3506.10 - What is an exploration license? |
Subpart 3507 - Preference Right Lease Applications |
§ 3507.11 - What must I do to obtain a preference right lease? |
§ 3507.15 - How do I apply for a preference right lease? |
§ 3507.16 - Is there a fee or payment required with my application? |
§ 3507.17 - What information must my preference right lease application include? |
§ 3507.18 - What do I need to submit to show that I have found a valuable deposit? |
§ 3507.19 - Under what circumstances will BLM reject my application? |
§ 3507.20 - May I appeal BLM's rejection of my preference right lease? |
Subpart 3508 - Competitive Lease Applications |
§ 3508.11 - What lands are available for competitive leasing? |
§ 3508.12 - How do I get a competitive lease? |
§ 3508.14 - How will BLM publish the notice of lease sale? |
§ 3508.15 - What information will the detailed statement of the lease sale terms and conditions include? |
§ 3508.20 - How will BLM conduct the sale and handle bids? |
§ 3508.21 - What happens if I am the successful bidder? |
§ 3508.22 - What happens if BLM rejects my bid? |
Subpart 3509 - Fractional and Future Interest Lease Applications |
§ 3509.10 - What are future interest leases? |
§ 3509.11 - Under what conditions will BLM issue a future interest lease to me? |
§ 3509.12 - Who may apply for a future interest lease? |
§ 3509.15 - Do I have to pay for a future interest lease? |
§ 3509.16 - How do I apply for a future interest lease? |
§ 3509.17 - What information must I include in my application for a future interest lease? |
§ 3509.18 - What will BLM do after it receives my application for a future interest lease? |
§ 3509.20 - When does my future interest lease take effect? |
§ 3509.25 - For what reasons will BLM reject my application for a future interest lease? |
§ 3509.30 - May I withdraw my application for a future interest lease? |
§ 3509.40 - What are fractional interest prospecting permits and leases? |
§ 3509.41 - For what lands may BLM issue fractional interest prospecting permits and leases? |
§ 3509.45 - Who may apply for a fractional interest prospecting permit or lease? |
§ 3509.46 - How do I apply for a fractional interest prospecting permit or lease? |
§ 3509.47 - What information must I include in my application for a fractional interest prospecting permit or lease? |
§ 3509.48 - What will BLM do after it receives my application for a fractional interest lease? |
§ 3509.49 - What terms and conditions apply to my fractional interest prospecting permit or lease? |
§ 3509.50 - Under what conditions would BLM reject my application for a fractional interest prospecting permit or lease? |
§ 3509.51 - May I withdraw my application for a fractional interest prospecting permit or lease? |
Subpart 3510 - Noncompetitive Leasing: Fringe Acreage Leases and Lease Modifications |
§ 3510.11 - If I already have a Federal lease, or the mineral rights on adjacent private lands, may I lease adjoining Federal lands that contain the same deposits without competitive bidding? |
§ 3510.12 - What must I do to obtain a lease modification or fringe acreage lease? |
§ 3510.15 - What will BLM do with my application? |
§ 3510.20 - Do I have to pay a fee to modify my existing lease or obtain a fringe acreage lease? |
§ 3510.21 - What terms and conditions apply to fringe acreage leases and lease modifications? |
Subpart 3511 - Lease Terms and Conditions |
§ 3511.10 - Do certain leases allow me to mine other commodities as well? |
§ 3511.11 - If I am mining calcium chloride, may I obtain a noncompetitive mineral lease to produce the commingled sodium chloride? |
§ 3511.12 - Are there standard terms and conditions which apply to all leases? |
§ 3511.15 - How long will my lease be in effect? |
§ 3511.25 - What is meant by lease readjustment and lease renewal? |
§ 3511.26 - What if I object to the terms and conditions BLM proposes for a readjusted lease? |
§ 3511.27 - How do I renew my lease? |
§ 3511.30 - If I appeal BLM's proposed new terms, must I continue paying royalties or rentals while my appeal is pending? |
Subpart 3512 - Assignments and Subleases |
How to Assign Leases |
§ 3512.11 - Once BLM issues me a permit or lease, may I assign or sublease it? |
§ 3512.12 - Is there a fee for requesting an assignment or sublease? |
§ 3512.13 - How do I assign my permit or lease? |
§ 3512.16 - How do I sublease my lease? |
§ 3512.17 - How do I transfer the operating rights in my permit or lease? |
Special Circumstances and Obligations |
§ 3512.18 - Will BLM approve my assignment or sublease if I have outstanding liabilities? |
§ 3512.19 - Must I notify BLM if I intend to transfer an overriding royalty to another party? |
Effect of Assignments on Your Obligations |
§ 3512.25 - If I assign my permit or lease, when do my obligations under the permit or lease end? |
§ 3512.30 - What are the responsibilities of a sublessor and a sublessee? |
§ 3512.33 - Does an assignment or sublease alter the permit or lease terms? |
Subpart 3513 - Waiver, Suspension or Reduction of Rental and Minimum Royalties |
Rental and Royalty Reductions |
§ 3513.11 - May BLM relieve me of the lease requirements of rental, minimum royalty, or production royalty while continuing to hold the lease? |
§ 3513.12 - What criteria does BLM consider in approving a waiver, suspension, or reduction in rental or minimum royalty, or a reduction in the royalty rate? |
§ 3513.15 - How do I apply for reduction of rental, royalties, or minimum production? |
§ 3513.16 - Do I have to pay a fee when I apply for a waiver, suspension, or reduction of rental, minimum royalty, production royalty, or minimum production? |
§ 3513.17 - xxx |
Suspension of Operations and Production (Conservation Concerns) |
§ 3513.20 - What is a suspension of operations and production (conservation concerns)? |
§ 3513.21 - What is the effect of a suspension of operations and production (conservation concerns)? |
§ 3513.22 - How do I apply for a suspension of operations and production (conservation concerns)? |
§ 3513.23 - May BLM order a suspension of operations and production (conservation concerns)? |
§ 3513.25 - When will my suspension of operations and production (conservation concerns) take effect? |
§ 3513.26 - When and how does my suspension of operations and production (conservation concerns) expire or terminate? |
Suspension of Operations (Economic Concerns) |
§ 3513.30 - What is a suspension of operations (economic concerns)? |
§ 3513.31 - What is the effect of a suspension of operations (economic concerns)? |
§ 3513.32 - How do I apply for a suspension of operations (economic concerns)? |
§ 3513.33 - When will my suspension of operations (economic concerns) take effect? |
§ 3513.34 - When and how does my suspension of operations (economic concerns) expire or terminate? |
Subpart 3514 - Lease Relinquishments and Cancellations |
Relinquishing Your Lease |
§ 3514.11 - May I relinquish my lease or any part of my lease? |
§ 3514.12 - What additional information should I include in a request for partial relinquishment? |
§ 3514.15 - Where do I file my relinquishment? |
§ 3514.20 - When is my relinquishment effective? |
§ 3514.21 - When will BLM approve my relinquishment? |
Cancellations, Forfeitures, and Other Situations |
§ 3514.25 - When does my lease expire? |
§ 3514.30 - May BLM cancel my lease? |
§ 3514.31 - May BLM waive cancellation or forfeiture? |
§ 3514.32 - Will BLM give me an opportunity to remedy a violation of the lease terms? |
§ 3514.40 - What if I am a bona fide purchaser and my lease is subject to cancellation? |
Subpart 3515 - Mineral Lease Exchanges |
Lease Exchange Requirements |
§ 3515.10 - May I exchange my lease or lease right for another mineral lease or lease right? |
§ 3515.12 - What regulatory provisions apply if I want to exchange a lease or lease right? |
§ 3515.15 - May BLM initiate an exchange? |
§ 3515.16 - What standards does BLM use to assess the public interest of an exchange? |
§ 3515.18 - Will I be notified when BLM is considering initiating an exchange that will affect my lease? |
Lease Exchange Procedures |
§ 3515.23 - May BLM require me to submit additional information? |
§ 3515.25 - Is BLM required to publish notice or hold a hearing? |
§ 3515.26 - When will BLM make a decision on the exchange? |
§ 3515.27 - Will BLM attach any special provisions to the exchange lease? |
Types of Lease Exchanges |
§ 3515.20 - May I exchange preference rights? |
§ 3515.21 - What types of lands can be exchanged? |
§ 3515.22 - What if the lands to be exchanged are not of equal value? |
Subpart 3516 - Use Permits |
§ 3516.10 - What are use permits? |
§ 3516.11 - What kinds of permits or leases allow use permits? |
§ 3516.12 - What activities may I conduct under a use permit? |
§ 3516.15 - How do I apply for a use permit? |
§ 3516.16 - What must I include with my application? |
§ 3516.20 - Is there an annual fee or charge for use of the lands? |
§ 3516.30 - What happens if I fail to pay the annual rental on my use permit? |
Subpart 3517 - Hardrock Mineral Development Contracts; Processing and Milling Arrangements |
§ 3517.10 - What are development contracts and processing and milling arrangements? |
§ 3517.11 - Are permits and leases covered by approved agreements exempt from the acreage limitations? |
§ 3517.15 - How do I apply for approval of one of these agreements? |
§ 3517.16 - How does BLM process my application? |