Part 3555 - Guaranteed Rural Housing Program  

Subpart A - General
§ 3555.1 - Applicability.
§ 3555.2 - Purpose.
§ 3555.3 - Civil rights.
§ 3555.4 - Mediation and appeals.
§ 3555.5 - Environmental requirements.
§ 3555.6 - State and local law.
§ 3555.7 - Exception authority.
§ 3555.8 - Conflict of interest.
§ 3555.9 - Enforcement.
§ 3555.10 - Definitions and abbreviations.
§ 3555.50 - OMB control number.
§§ 3555.11--3555.49 - [Reserved]
Subpart B - Lender Participation
§ 3555.51 - Lender eligibility.
§ 3555.52 - Lender approval.
§ 3555.53 - Contracting for loan origination.
§ 3555.54 - Sale of loans to approved lenders.
§ 3555.100 - OMB control number.
§ 3555.3555 - 100 OMB control number.
§§ 3555.55--3555.99 - [Reserved]
Subpart C - Loan Requirements
§ 3555.101 - Loan purposes.
§ 3555.102 - Loan restrictions.
§ 3555.103 - Maximum loan amount.
§ 3555.104 - Loan terms.
§ 3555.105 - Combination construction and permanent loans.
§ 3555.106 - [Reserved]
§ 3555.107 - Application for and issuance of the loan guarantee.
§ 3555.108 - Full faith and credit.
§ 3555.109 - Qualified mortgage.
§§ 3555.110--3555.149 - [Reserved]
§ 3555.150 - OMB control number.
§§ 3555.109--3555.149 - [Reserved]
Subpart D - Underwriting the Applicant
§ 3555.151 - Eligibility requirements.
§ 3555.152 - Calculation of income and assets.
§ 3555.200 - OMB control number.
§§ 3555.153--3555.199 - [Reserved]
Subpart E - Underwriting the Property
§ 3555.201 - Site requirements.
§ 3555.202 - Dwelling requirements.
§ 3555.203 - Ownership requirements.
§ 3555.204 - Security requirements.
§ 3555.205 - Special requirements for condominiums.
§ 3555.206 - Special requirements for community land trusts.
§ 3555.207 - Special requirements for Planned Unit Developments (PUDs).
§ 3555.208 - Special requirements for manufactured homes.
§ 3555.209 - Rural Energy Plus loans.
§§ 3555.210--3555.249 - [Reserved]
§ 3555.250 - OMB control number.
Subpart F - Servicing Performing Loans
§ 3555.251 - Servicing responsibility.
§ 3555.252 - Required servicing actions.
§ 3555.253 - Late payment charges.
§ 3555.254 - Final payments.
§ 3555.255 - Borrower actions requiring lender approval.
§ 3555.256 - Transfer and assumptions.
§ 3555.257 - Unauthorized assistance.
§ 3555.300 - OMB control number.
§§ 3555.258--3555.299 - [Reserved]
Subpart G - Servicing Non-Performing Loans
§ 3555.301 - General servicing techniques.
§ 3555.302 - Protective advances.
§ 3555.303 - Traditional servicing options.
§ 3555.304 - Special servicing options.
§ 3555.305 - Voluntary liquidation.
§ 3555.306 - Liquidation.
§ 3555.307 - Assistance in natural disasters.
§ 3555.350 - OMB control number.
§§ 3555.308--3555.349 - [Reserved]
Subpart H - Collecting on the Guarantee
§ 3555.351 - Loan guarantee limits.
§ 3555.352 - Loss covered by the guarantee.
§ 3555.353 - Net recovery value.
§ 3555.354 - Loss claim procedures.
§ 3555.355 - Reducing or denying the claim.
§ 3555.356 - Future recovery.
§ 3555.400 - OMB control number.
§§ 3555.356--3555.399 - [Reserved]
§§ 3555.357--3555.399 - [Reserved]